Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene recently claimed in an interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones that Democrats want former President Donald Trump “dead” and are hoping for his death while he is in jail. Greene suggested that Democrats are targeting Trump with “rigged trials” and want to strip him of Secret Service protection to increase the chances of his murder in jail. Greene’s comments come as Trump faces multiple legal challenges in New York City where he is pleading not guilty to various felony charges, maintaining his innocence and alleging persecution and election interference.

Jones and Greene made these claims during an interview where they discussed the ongoing legal troubles facing Trump, including the multiple criminal charges he is currently facing. Greene claimed that Democrats are not sorry about wanting Trump dead and that they are determined to put him in jail for the rest of his life to ensure that he dies in jail. Greene also mentioned a bill introduced by Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson to strip convicted felons of Secret Service protection, implying that this was part of a larger plan to have Trump murdered in jail.

Former Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz also weighed in on Thompson’s bill, suggesting that it is indicative of a desire to have Trump killed, as those without Secret Service protection are more vulnerable to assassination attempts. The bill, introduced by Thompson and co-sponsored by eight Democratic representatives, is called the DISGRACED Act and aims to remove special treatment for convicted felons who would otherwise have Secret Service protection. This has sparked concerns among Trump supporters and allies who believe that the bill is part of a larger plot to target the former president.

Greene, known for promoting conspiracy theories and controversial statements, has a history of making claims without evidence. In the past, she has suggested that President Joe Biden is trying to put Trump in prison as a form of a death sentence and has implied that Democrats are orchestrating Trump’s demise for political reasons. Greene’s controversial remarks have drawn criticism and concern, especially regarding her willingness to entertain extreme and dangerous theories about her political opponents and the legal system.

The debate surrounding the treatment of former President Donald Trump in the legal system reflects ongoing tensions and divisions within the political landscape. While some see Thompson’s bill as a necessary step to prevent special treatment for convicted felons, others, including Greene and Dershowitz, view it as a potential threat to Trump’s safety and well-being. The rhetoric surrounding Trump’s legal troubles and the implications for his future reflects the deepening polarization and mistrust between political parties and their supporters, highlighting the challenges of finding common ground and shared understanding in today’s political climate.

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