A Jewish student at Columbia University, Jonathan Lederer, had his Israeli flag snatched and burned by anti-Israel protesters who then threw rocks at him, hitting him in the face. Lederer, along with his friends, had been displaying Israeli flags during campus unrest which escalated over the weekend. Lederer filmed the incident where the protesters attacked him and then took off. In an article he wrote for The Free Press, Lederer described how the situation on campus hit a new low that night amidst multiple protests by the anti-Israel protesters.

According to Lederer, he and his friends were singing songs calling for peace when they were approached by anti-Israel demonstrators who chanted derogatory phrases about Israel and Jewish people. The protesters then began chasing them towards the campus gates late into the night. Lederer has had interactions with the anti-Israel protesters in recent weeks as the demonstrations have intensified at Columbia and other universities. He was among the Jewish students who supported an NYPD raid on campus that led to the arrest of over 100 demonstrators, though they returned to the campus the following day.

In a separate incident at Yale University, Sahar Tartak, editor-in-chief of the Yale Free Press, was stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag while covering protests on the campus. Additionally, there have been reports of antisemitic incidents in New York City, including swastika stickers found on a newsstand, graffiti with derogatory language towards Jewish people spray-painted on a sidewalk in Brooklyn, and Columbia students being targeted with verbal abuse and physical attacks by anti-Israel protesters. The escalation of anti-Israel demonstrations has raised concerns about the safety and well-being of Jewish students on college campuses.

The increase in antisemitic incidents comes amid rising tensions between pro-Israel and anti-Israel groups on college campuses. The demonstration at Columbia University and other universities have intensified, leading to confrontations and violence against Jewish students. Lederer and his friends have continued to display Israeli flags and show their pride despite facing backlash and attacks from anti-Israel protesters. The situation has prompted concerns about the safety and security of Jewish students, leading to police intervention and the enforcement of rules on campus grounds.

The incidents involving Lederer and other Jewish students at Columbia and Yale have sparked a debate about free speech, safety, and respect for differing viewpoints on college campuses. The clash between pro-Israel and anti-Israel groups has resulted in verbal harassment, physical attacks, and acts of vandalism that have targeted Jewish students. The demonstrations have led to a tense atmosphere on campus, with concerns about the impact of such interactions on the overall campus climate and the emotional well-being of students. The incidents have highlighted the need for dialogue, understanding, and respect among students with diverse perspectives on complex and divisive issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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