Antonio Rivera, a writer and professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV), recently made an analogy stating that the PNV (Basque Nationalist Party) is like the father, the owner of the farmhouse, but has aged significantly since the pandemic. He also mentioned that the left-wing abertzale movement, represented by EH Bildu, could potentially become the heir of the family home in the near future, as there is no viable non-nationalist alternative, leading to a natural shift in the nationalist party hegemony in Basque politics.

Recent polls suggested that this shift could happen sooner than expected, with EH Bildu potentially winning elections if voter turnout remains at 60%. PNV President Andoni Ortuzar expressed concern but remained optimistic that mobilizing their traditional voters and increasing voter turnout could change the outcome. Ortuzar also noted EH Bildu’s deliberate strategy to not engage in provocation during the campaign, which proved effective in avoiding reactions from their opponents.

A senior EH Bildu leader expressed anger over accusations made by Ortuzar about their party, but later retracted his statements to avoid unnecessary controversy. Both parties emphasized their commitment to defending Basque interests, highlighting their shared goal despite their differences and historical animosities. The relationship between the PNV and EH Bildu, while often strained, reflects a familial connection where cooperation and strategic alliances may be possible in the future.

The key factor in the recent elections was voter turnout, with participation above 60% preventing EH Bildu from winning. The long-term strategy of EH Bildu under Arnaldo Otegi focuses on building alliances with nationalist parties rather than engaging in confrontations that could lead to short-term gains. Despite their disagreements, the PNV and EH Bildu are part of the same political family, with deep-rooted differences but a shared goal of representing Basque interests.

The dynamics of Basque politics continue to evolve, with alliances and rivalries shaping the landscape. Both the PNV and EH Bildu are navigating a complex political environment where historical tensions coexist with potential opportunities for collaboration. As voter turnout and party strategies play a crucial role in determining election outcomes, the future of Basque politics remains uncertain, yet filled with possibilities for change and transformation.

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