The electoral victory of the PNV shows a new reality in the Basque political landscape: EH Bildu emerges victorious in two out of the three constituencies (Álava and Gipuzkoa). The growth of the party led by Pello Otxandiano has been particularly noticeable in Álava, with nearly 30,000 more votes than in 2020. This is the only province where Vox and Sumar have obtained parliamentary representation, with one representative each. Bizkaia remains a stronghold for the PNV, winning in that province in every regional election since 1980. Gipuzkoa, where the socialists gain an extra seat compared to the previous elections, reflects the rise of the left, with a victory for Bildu by 28,778 votes over the jeltzale party.

In Álava, EH Bildu has gained almost 30,000 votes compared to 2020 and has surpassed the PNV in terms of seats, with 8 representatives to the PNV’s 7. Vox managed to maintain its representation with its candidate Mariá Amaya Martinez receiving 5,573 votes, allowing the far-right party to avoid another setback following the result of the Galician elections. Meanwhile, Podemos lost the two seats it had obtained four years ago, while Sumar also gained a seat thanks to the 5,550 votes received by their candidate Jon Hernández Hidalgo. In the shadow of the nationalist duel, the PP and PSE-EE tied with four seats each in Álava.

In Bizkaia, the PNV reduced the gap with EH Bildu by half, winning three seats to EH Bildu’s three as well. The socialists gained a seat with over 14% of the votes, while the PP maintained the same result as four years ago with two seats, when they ran in coalition with Ciudadanos. Podemos lost their two seats in the province. In Gipuzkoa, EH Bildu secured the top spot with 11 seats, surpassing the PNV by 28,778 votes. The socialists gained an additional seat compared to 2020, while the PP, which had previously run in coalition with Ciudadanos, maintained only one seat. No other party managed to enter the province.

Overall, the results of the regional elections in the Basque Country show a shifting political landscape with EH Bildu making gains in Álava and Gipuzkoa, while the PNV remains strong in Bizkaia. The rise of the left is evident in the victories of EH Bildu and the socialists in key provinces. The far-right party Vox maintains its representation in Álava, while the PP and PSE-EE compete closely for seats in various provinces. The political scenario in the Basque Country continues to evolve, reflecting the changing preferences and alliances of voters in the region.

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