The results of this Sunday leave a map dominated by the colors of EH Bildu and the PNV. The PNV, winner of the elections, has been the most voted party in 952 out of the 1,723 census sections of the community (300 less than four years ago). The Basque coalition has emerged victorious in 674 sections (300 more than in 2020), while the remaining sections were won by the PSE (66) and the PP (31). The areas are inhabited by around 1,000 people and often coincide with municipalities in small towns or even just a few blocks in cities.

The voting patterns in various cities reveal interesting dynamics. For example, in Bilbao, the PNV remains the dominant force despite losing three points compared to 2020. They are the most voted party in 249 sections out of 273, with EH Bildu winning in 18 sections near the Casco Viejo. San Sebastián is divided between EH Bildu, which dominates in the Parte Vieja and the eastern part of the city, and the PNV in other areas. There are exceptions in a few streets in the Altza neighborhood where the PSE wins, and a small area in the Amara neighborhood where the PP is victorious.

Vitoria has been the most hotly contested capital city. EH Bildu has won in half of the city’s sections (87), once again dominating the Casco Viejo. The PP wins in 18 sections, mainly in the Ciudad Jardín and Mendizorroza neighborhoods; the PSOE prevails in 22 sections, and the PNV in 42 sections. Overall, the election results have highlighted the electoral strength of EH Bildu and the PNV in various regions, while the PSE and the PP have also managed to secure victories in specific areas.

The sectors that each party has won can be explored in detail through a map showing the percentage of votes they received in each section compared to the total votes for candidates (excluding blank or void votes). The map also allows users to filter results based on party support, changes since 2020, and the balance between nationalist and non-nationalist votes in each section. This detailed breakdown helps to understand the election outcome on a more granular level, from rural areas to urban neighborhoods.

In conclusion, the recent election results in the Basque Country have demonstrated the continued popularity and influence of EH Bildu and the PNV in different regions. The competition between these two parties has been evident in major cities like Bilbao, San Sebastián, and Vitoria, where their performance has varied in different sections. The smaller parties like the PSE and the PP have also secured victories in specific areas, contributing to the diverse political landscape of the region. This election outcome provides valuable insights into the voting behavior and preferences of the Basque population.

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