The practice of private consultations in public hospitals continues to cause controversy among hospital staff. This year, the issue has been particularly contentious at the Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP). While allowed by law, this liberal activity by salaried practitioners is meant to make hospitals more attractive in the face of the higher pay offered in the private sector. However, questions have been raised about the cost of this practice. The presentation of the annual report on private activities on April 9th sparked heated debates among members of the medical establishment. The report, obtained by Le Monde, showed that in 2022, the median fees of the 367 practitioners who engaged in this practice reached 112,620 euros, a 25% increase from the previous year. Some specialties, such as radiotherapy, saw even higher fees, with an average of about 600,000 euros.
The significant earnings from private practice have raised concerns among hospital staff and management. The increasing trend in fees for private consultations contrasts with a decline in public activity at the AP-HP, as well as in many other hospitals, following the Covid-19 crisis and ongoing staffing shortages. While private practitioners saw a 15% growth in their activities, public services experienced a 2% decrease from 2021 to 2022. This disparity has caused tensions within the hospital, with some questioning the impact of private practices on the overall functioning of the public healthcare system. The data presented in the report shed light on the imbalance between private and public healthcare services within the AP-HP and raise questions about the implications for the quality and accessibility of care for all patients.
The significant increase in fees for private consultations has sparked criticism among medical professionals and the public alike. Some practitioners have expressed concern about the distribution of resources between private and public services within the hospital. The focus on private practice has also drawn attention to the issue of healthcare inequality and access to quality care for all patients. The AP-HP is facing challenges in balancing the financial incentives of private consultations with the larger goal of providing equitable healthcare services to the community. The debate over the role of private practice in public hospitals is likely to continue as stakeholders grapple with the tensions between financial sustainability and the core mission of public healthcare.
The report on private activities in public hospitals has highlighted the complex issues surrounding the practice of private consultations within the healthcare system. While intended to make hospitals more competitive and financially sustainable, the increasing reliance on private practice has raised concerns about the impact on public services and the equitable distribution of resources. The debate over the balance between private and public healthcare services is a critical one, as it relates to the fundamental principles of access, quality, and equity in healthcare. Moving forward, it will be essential for hospitals like the AP-HP to address these challenges and ensure that all patients have equal access to high-quality care, regardless of their financial means.