Prior to the election in Basilicata, the communication agency Arcadia analyzed the digital map of nominative keywords related to the outgoing center-right president Vito Bardi and the center-left challenger Piero Marrese. The data shows that Bardi was ahead in the last 30 days in terms of mentions and engagement. Both keywords collected just under 10 thousand mentions and a total of interactions that exceeded 21 thousand. Between the two, Vito Bardi received 5,300 mentions and 14,200 interactions.

The engagement on Facebook and Instagram in the last 28 days was mainly driven by the profiles of the center-left candidate Piero Marrese, with 15% on Facebook and 17% on Instagram. This is despite a lower investment in sponsorships of 800.00 euros compared to 1,500 euros for Vito Bardi. This indicates that Marrese’s social media presence has been more effective in engaging followers.

In the past 7 days, the profiles of the outgoing president Vito Bardi saw a more significant increase in new followers. Bardi gained 140 new followers on Instagram and 158 on Facebook, while the profiles of the center-left candidate Piero Marrese grew at a slower pace, especially on Instagram. This trend suggests that Bardi’s social media strategy is more successful in attracting new followers.

Arcadia identified a clear difference in the online presence and engagement levels of the two candidates. Despite Vito Bardi leading in terms of mentions and interactions, Piero Marrese’s social media profiles had higher engagement rates. Marrese’s lower investment in sponsorships was still able to generate a higher percentage of engagement from followers on both Facebook and Instagram. This indicates a potentially more effective social media strategy on Marrese’s part.

Overall, the analysis by Arcadia suggests that social media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and engagement towards political candidates. The data shows that effective use of social media platforms can influence voter perceptions and engagement levels. The varying strategies and results between Vito Bardi and Piero Marrese highlight the importance of a strong social media presence in modern political campaigns.

The data also revealed that while Vito Bardi may have had more mentions and interactions, Piero Marrese’s higher engagement rates indicate a more active and involved follower base. This could potentially translate into stronger support at the polls. As the election in Basilicata approaches, it will be interesting to see how these online trends translate into actual votes and the final outcome of the election.

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