A 24-year-old man from the town of Corella, Navarre has been arrested twice in two weeks for breaking into and robbing several houses. After stealing items of varying value, the man decided to stay and sleep in the houses he had broken into. In one instance, he even climbed into bed with an elderly woman who owned the property. Following the most recent incident this past weekend, the Court of Tudela has ordered the imprisonment of this man and another 23-year-old man, also of Moroccan nationality, with whom he allegedly committed the second robbery. The first incident occurred on August 11th when the man forced his way into a house in Arguedas, Navarre where a man and his octogenarian mother were sleeping. After stealing various items, he climbed into the bed of the homeowner, who then raised the alarm. Despite being arrested hours later, he was released.

The second incident took place during the night from Saturday to Sunday. Around 7:15 am on August 17th, the Civil Guard officers of Fitero arrested two men as suspects of a robbery with violence inside an inhabited house in Corella and two attempted break-ins in two other houses in the same town. Interestingly, they were caught while sleeping in one of the houses. The officers received a call from the owner of one of the houses early in the morning. The elderly woman encountered the burglars, struggled with them, but they managed to escape. According to the investigation, they entered through the balcony of the first floor, climbing up the electrical cables. While the police were there, they received a second alert from a nearby house, whose owners had noticed damage to their lock.

The Civil Guard officers (with the assistance of the Foral Police and two local police officers) entered the house and found the suspects asleep in one of the rooms. They were lying on twin beds and, as stated in the police report, “apparently incapacitated by the alleged consumption of substantial amounts of alcohol, some kind of narcotic substance, or pretending to be in that state.” Further investigations have revealed a third robbery in a house in the same town. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of these incidents is that they occurred in close proximity to the residents’ homes, causing a sense of unease and fear among the community.

Robbing is exhausting. This seems to be what the 24-year-old resident of Corella, Navarre must be thinking after being arrested twice in two weeks for breaking into and robbing several houses. After stealing items of varying value, the man decided to stay and sleep in the houses he had broken into. In one instance, he even climbed into bed with an elderly woman who owned the property. Following the most recent incident this past weekend, the Court of Tudela has ordered the imprisonment of this man and another 23-year-old man, also of Moroccan nationality, with whom he allegedly committed the second robbery.

The first incident occurred on August 11th when the man forced his way into a house in Arguedas, Navarre where a man and his octogenarian mother were sleeping. After stealing various items, he climbed into the bed of the homeowner, who then raised the alarm. Despite being arrested hours later, he was released. The second incident took place during the night from Saturday to Sunday. Around 7:15 am on August 17th, the Civil Guard officers of Fitero arrested two men as suspects of a robbery with violence inside an inhabited house in Corella and two attempted break-ins in two other houses in the same town. Interestingly, they were caught while sleeping in one of the houses.

The officers received a call from the owner of one of the houses early in the morning. The elderly woman encountered the burglars, struggled with them, but they managed to escape. According to the investigation, they entered through the balcony of the first floor, climbing up the electrical cables. While the police were there, they received a second alert from a nearby house, whose owners had noticed damage to their lock. The Civil Guard officers (with the assistance of the Foral Police and two local police officers) entered the house and found the suspects asleep in one of the rooms. They were lying on twin beds and, as stated in the police report, “apparently incapacitated by the alleged consumption of substantial amounts of alcohol, some kind of narcotic substance, or pretending to be in that state.”

Further investigations have revealed a third robbery in a house in the same town. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of these incidents is that they occurred in close proximity to the residents’ homes, causing a sense of unease and fear among the community. The residents are likely shaken by the fact that someone would not only break into their homes but also choose to stay and sleep there. This highlights the importance of home security measures and vigilance to protect oneself from such incidents. It is a stark reminder of the potential dangers and invasions of privacy that can occur in one’s own home, leading to a feeling of vulnerability and fear within the community.

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