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Wife looks for husband thought to be deported

Man with no criminal record believed to be deported and sent to El Salvador prison, lawyer says


CBS News has obtained an internal government list of the names of the Venezuelan men the Trump administration deported to El Salvador as part of a secretive operation last week that has triggered a legal standoff in the U.S. and a debate around the world.On March 15, the U.S. government deported 238 male Venezuelan citizens on three flights to El Salvador, accusing them of being part of a transnational gang known as Tren de Aragua, which President Trump has labeled a foreign terrorist group and wartime enemy.Upon landing, the deported men were forcefully led off planes by heavily armed Salvadoran authorities. They were marched into armored vehicles, had their heads shaved and were transferred into cells inside El Salvador’s notorious maximum security prison, known as CECOT.The high-profile deportations quickly set off a legal battle in the U.S. The court fight initially centered on the legality of Mr. Trump’s move to invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to expel many of the Venezuelan deportees. It has since expanded into a showdown over whether the Trump administration knowingly defied a federal judge’s order to halt deportations under the wartime law and turn the flights around.U.S. officials have said 137 of the Venezuelan men were treated as “enemy aliens” and removed from the country under the 18th century law. The other 101 were deported under regular immigration procedures, the officials have said. 

Beyond that, the U.S. government has provided scant details about the deportations and has not publicly released the names of those sent to El Salvador. Family members and lawyers of deportees have said they only learned their loved ones or clients had been deported to the small Central American country through videos and photos posted by the Salvadoran government and news outlets. The Trump administration has said it verified that all the Venezuelan deportees have connections to Tren de Aragua, but those accusations have been denied by relatives of some of those who were deported. The U.S. government has said in a court declaration that while some of those expelled have criminal histories in the U.S., “many” do not.CBS News is publishing the U.S. government’s list of the names of the 238 Venezuelan deportees sent to El Salvador below. How long they will remain imprisoned in El Salvador and whether their family members and lawyers will be allowed to communicate with them remain open questions. CBS News reached out to DHS and the State Department for comment on the list.

The names of Venezuelans deported to El SalvadorAgelviz Sanguino, Widmer JosneyderAguilar Rodriguez, Nolberto RafaelAguilera Aguero, Gustavo AdolfoAlbornoz-Quintero, HenrryAlvarado Borges, NeriAngulo-Aparicio, JinderAray-Cardona, JoseArregoces Rincon, JoseAzuaje Perez, Nixon JoseBarreto Villegas, RolandoBastidas Venegas, JoseBasulto-Salinas, MarcosBatista-Arias, ElvisBelloso Fuenmayor, AlirioBenavides Rivas, Yornel SantiagoBlanco-Bonilla, AndryBlanco-Marin, AngelBolivar Cruz, AngelBracho Gomez, VictorBrazon-Lezama, JaviarBriceno-Gonzalez, JoseBriceno-Gonzalez, JeanBustamante-Dominguez, RobertCabrera-Rico, DavidCanizalez Arteaga, CarlosCaraballo Tiapa, FrancoCardenas-Silva, JohanCarmona Bastista, YorbiCarmona Hernandez, JoseCedeno Contreras, Bruce EmbelgertCedeno-Gil, AndrysChacin Gomez, JhonChirinos Romero, WildChivico Medina, CarlosColina Arguelles, RosmeColina Caseres, MiguelColina-Suarez, AlejandroColmenares Solorzano, Leonardo JoseColmenarez Abreu, AldoContreras-Gonzalez, YordanoCornejo Pulgar, Frizgeralth De JesusCorrales-Moreno, EmilioDavila Fernanadez, LuisDelgado Pina, AldrinDepablos Requena, JheisonDiaz-Lugo, KleiverDuarte Rodriguez, RichardDuran Perez, Joseph GregoryEchavez-Paz, LeonelElista-Jimenez, RobertEscalona Carrizo, YenderEscalona Sevilla, AngeloEscobar Blanco, PedroEscobar Falcon, YolfranFernandez Sanchez, Julio RafaelFernandez, YohanFernandez-Subero, MikaelFlores Jimenez, Wilken RafaelFlores Rodriguez, JoseFlores-Lopez, JoseFonseca Daboin, CristhoferFuenmayor-Crespo, RoneilGarcia Casique, FranciscoGarcia Prado, LeonardoGiron Maurera, RichardGonzalez Troconis, JulioGonzalez Frailan, Jose LeonGonzalez Fuenmayor, Angel JesusGonzalez Pineda, OscarGonzalez-Rodriguez, CharlieGraterol-Farias, WinderGualdron Gualdron, LuisGualtero Quiroz, DeibinGuerrero Padron, KeivyGuevara Munoz, WilvensonGuiterrez-Sierra, WilkerGutierrez Flores, MerwilHernandez Carache, YeisonHernandez Carache, Darwin GerardoHernandez Herrera, Edwuar JoseHernandez-Hernandez, JhonnaelHernandez Gonzalez, ManuelHernandez Hernandez, AngelHernandez Juarez, YorbyHernandez Romero, AndryHueck Escobar, JesusHung Mendoza, JordanHurtado Quevedo, Eddie AdolfoIndriago-Alvarez, DonovanIzaguirre-Granado, RandyJaimes-Rincon, YeisonJerez-Hernandez, YohendryJusto Garcia, JoseLaya-Freites, JeffersonLeal-Bautista, KeiberLeal-Estrada, KervinLemus Cagua, DiegoLizcano-Basto, JosueLopez Bolivar, JoseLopez Lizano, MaikolLopez-Rodriguez, GeomarLozada Sanchez, WuilliamLozano-Camargo, DanielLugo Zavala, JohendryLugo-Acosta, YermainMachado Martinez, OnaikerMachado-Rodriguez, JoseManrique, EdsonManzo Lovera, LainerkeMarcano Silva, LuisMarea-Medina, RonaldMarin Zambrano, Jhonervi JosueMarquez Pena, JoseMarrufo Hernandez, Uriel DavidMartinez Vargas, KerbinMartinez Vegas, RafaelMartinez-Borrego, TitoMartinez-Gonzalez, YohangelMata Fornerino, Wilfredo JoseMata-Ribeiro, YoswaldoMathie Zavala, Hotsman RicardoMedina-Martinez, AlexisMelendez Rojas, EdwinMendez Boyer, AlexMendez Mejias, AngelMendez-Gomez, LuisMendoz Nunez, CarlosMendoza Ortiz, Maikol SolierMendoza Pina, Jean ClaudeMendoza Ramirez, JonathanMogollon Herrera, HenryMolina-Acevedo, RogerMontero Espinoza, ErvinsonMontilla-Rivas, JoseMora-Balzan, JoseMorales-Rolon, AndresMoreno-Camacho, CristopherMoreno-Ramirez, MaikelMorillo-Pina, LuisMoron Cabrera, YuberMunoz Pinto, LuisNavas Vizcaya, AliNavas-Diaz, ObedNieto Contreras, KevinNunez-Falcon, LuisOlivera Rojas, MaikelOrta-Campos, JuniorOrtega Garcia, FelixOtero Valestrines, LuisPalacios-Rebolledo, LeonerPalencia-Benavides, BrayanParra Urbina, EduardPaz-Gonzalez, DanielPena Mendez, Jose AntonioPenaloza Chirinos, Ysqueibel YonaiquerPerez Perez, CristianPerez-Llovera, JuanPerfecto La Rosa, MoisesPerozo-Colina, CarlosPerozo-Palencia, AndyPetit Findlay, Andersson StevenPetterson Torres, ChristeanPineda Lezama, JesusPinto Velasquez, CristhianPlaza-Carmona, JonathanPrimoschitz Gonzalez, AlbertQuerales Martinez, Anderson JoseQuintero Chacon, EdicsonRamirez Ramirez, Jonathan MiguelRamos Bastidas, JoseRamos Ramos, Juan JoseReyes Barrios, Jerce EgbunikReyes Mota, FrengelReyes Ollarvides, RonaldReyes-Villegas, ArlinzonRincon Bohorquez, OmarRincon-Rincon, RingoRios Andrade, JesusRivera Gonzalez, LuisRivero-Coroy, JeanRodriguez, EdwinRodriguez Goyo, AlejandroRodriguez Lugo, Luis GustavoRodriguez Parra, AlberRodriguez Rojas, KenlynRodriguez-Da Silva, FernandoRojas, DeibysRojas-Mendoza, MiguelRomero Chirinos, Ildemar JesusRomero Rivas, ErickRoos Ortega, JesusRosal-Gelvez, HectorRubio-Petrola, JoseSaavedra-Caruci, RobinsonSalazar-Cuervo, Pedro LuisSanchez Bigott, YorbisSanchez Paredes, IdenisSanchez-Arteaga, FernandoSanchez-Bermudez, MarcoSantiago Ascanio, RonaldSarabia Gonzalez, AnyeloSemeco Revilla, Darwin XavierSierra Cano, AnyeloSilva Casares, Jason AlfredoSilva Freites, Carlos JulioSilva-Ramirez, AaronSoto Manzana, OmarSuarez-Fuentes, JoenSuarez-Nunez, LuisSuarez-Salas, NerySuarez-Trejo, ArturoTapia Colina, JesusTeran Aguilar, CarlosTesta Leon, Orlando JesusToro Noguera, YonelTorrealba Torrealba, YonathanTorres Archila, AmberTorres Herrera, Euder JoseTorres-Polanco, CarlosTortosa Guedez, JorgeTovar-Marcano, CesarTravieso Gonzalez, KleiverTroconis Gonzalez, Yhon DeivisUzcategui Vielma, CarlosVaamondes Barrios, MiguelVargas Lugo, HenryVazquez Morillo, NicolaVega Sandia, WilmerVera Villamizar, WladimirVilla-Montano, EnsonVillafranca Rincones, Carlos EduardoVillegas-Frites, IlelsYamarte-Fernandez, MervinYanez-Arangure, LuisZabaleta-Morillo, KeiberZambrano Perez, JulioZambrano Torrealba, GabrielZarraga Rosales, Jorge


Camilo Montoya-Galvez

Camilo Montoya-Galvez is the immigration reporter at CBS News. Based in Washington, he covers immigration policy and politics.

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