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A far-left NYC councilwoman who ran for office on an anti-car-agenda and pushed a crackdown on dangerous driving is a road menace who’s racked up four speeding tickets in a little more than a year, The Post has learned.

Queens Democratic Socialist Tiffany Cabán was slapped with seven traffic tickets totaling $490 in fines and late fees since November 2022 — including four in the past 13 months for being caught on camera speeding in school zones, a review of city records shows.

The remaining summonses on the pol’s black Chevy Cruze include two for blocking fire hydrants, and another for parking in a “No Standing” zone. 

“New Yorkers are tired of the self-righteous, sanctimonious, anti-public safety elected officials who push their ‘do as I say, not as I do’ agendas, demanding we abandon our cars while they drive everywhere, and flout the very laws they impose on us,” said Councilman Robert Holden, a moderate Queens Dem.

“The hypocrisy and double standards of the left is truly astounding,” he added.

While campaigning for Council in 2021, Cabán advocated converting at least 25% of all city roadways “into space for people” as part of her New York-version of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stalled Green New Deal plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions nationwide. 

Cabán, who represents Astoria and nearby neighborhoods, called on the city during the campaign to create “1,000-lane miles” of permanent car-free “Open Streets,” 500 miles of dedicated bus-only lanes and 500 miles of new bike lanes.

“We can improve living conditions for [District 22] residents by improving air quality, reducing noise pollution, encouraging social and physical activity, and increasing accessibility through transit and biking upgrades,” said Cabán in campaign literature pushing the pie-in-the-sky plan.  

“In order to advance these priorities and meet our climate goals, we must reduce car and truck transportation, which are the city’s second-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.”

The soft-on-crime pol has a history of being a stickler of the law when it comes to cracking down on dangerous drivers.

During her failed 2019 bid to become the Queens district attorney, Cabán said, if elected, she’d establish a Vehicular Crimes Unit within the Queens DA’s office because she felt police and prosecutors do a poor job bringing charges against rogue drivers who commit vehicular manslaughter and other serious crimes behind the wheel.

“While she will always seek non-punitive means of delivering justice, she acknowledges that there are times when dangerous drivers must be taken off the street in order to keep the public safe,” noted the safe-streets group StreetsPAC in its endorsement of Cabán for DA.

The Queens pol is latest in a long line of socialists and other lefty lawmakers with a history of being serial speeders despite publicly pushing safe-streets and environmentally conscious platforms, including Comptroller and mayoral candidate Brad Lander, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams.

“Rules for thee, but not for me really does seem to be the mantra of the far-left,” said Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R-Queens).

“One minute [Cabán is] rallying with the alternative transportation crew, pushing for harsher regulations on drivers and calling for limited car use in the city, and the next she’s zipping around town blowing through the speed limit. The hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze me.”

Caban did not return messages.

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