A former Ukrainian intelligence officer who defected to Russia before the invasion of Ukraine was injured in a car bomb attack in northwest Moscow. Vasily Prozorov, a former SBU security service agent, was injured when an explosive device detonated under his Toyota Land Cruiser. The specific injuries sustained were not specified, although sources claim Prozorov “felt fine.” Video footage of the suspected attack showed the explosion occurring just seconds after Prozorov entered the vehicle. Another video showed Prozorov sitting on the damaged SUV’s back bumper without any visible signs of injury.

Prozorov gained public attention in 2019 when he revealed at a press conference in Moscow that he had spied on Ukraine’s SBU for Russia after former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in 2014. The SBU claimed to have fired Prozorov in 2018 for drinking on the job. Additionally, there were reports from the Telegram news channel 112 that Moscow-backed authorities in southern Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia region had thwarted an assassination attempt against Prozorov in Berdyansk approximately one year ago. The Moscow branch of Russia’s Investigative Committee has initiated a criminal investigation into the car bomb attack that injured Prozorov.

The car bomb attack on Vasily Prozorov in Moscow has raised questions about his past actions and affiliations. Prozorov’s defection from Ukraine to Russia and subsequent admissions of spying on the SBU have been controversial and may have led to attempts on his life. The circumstances surrounding his departure from the SBU, including being fired for drinking on the job, have added to the intrigue of this case. Prozorov’s involvement in espionage activities and his connections to both Russian and Ukrainian intelligence agencies suggest a complex web of political motivations and personal vendettas that could be behind the attack.

The use of a car bomb in the attack on Vasily Prozorov indicates a deliberate and targeted effort to harm or kill him. The timing of the explosion, just as he entered the vehicle, suggests that the attackers were aware of his movements and sought to inflict maximum damage. The injuries sustained by Prozorov in the attack have not been disclosed, but reports indicate that he appeared unharmed shortly after the explosion. The rapid response by Russian law enforcement agencies and the launch of a criminal investigation indicate the seriousness with which this incident is being treated.

The attack on Vasily Prozorov in Moscow is just the latest in a series of violent incidents involving former Ukrainian intelligence officers. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to a range of espionage activities, assassinations, and other violent encounters. Prozorov’s case highlights the dangers faced by individuals involved in intelligence work and the high stakes involved in betraying one’s own country. The aftermath of this attack will likely lead to increased scrutiny of security measures and personal safety concerns for other intelligence officers operating in volatile regions.

The injuries sustained by Vasily Prozorov in the car bomb attack in Moscow have fueled speculation about the motives behind the incident. Prozorov’s past actions, including his defection to Russia and spying on the SBU, have made him a target for both Ukrainian and Russian interests. The conflicting reports about his injuries and the immediate response by Russian authorities suggest a coordinated effort to protect him and apprehend those responsible for the attack. The ongoing investigation into this incident will shed more light on the complex web of political intrigue and personal vendettas that may have led to the targeting of Prozorov.

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