A Brisbane City Council bus driver has apologized in court for the death of 20-year-old cyclist Max McDowall, who was killed in a crash at a busy intersection in Woolloongabba in May 2021. McDowall, described as an experienced and cautious cyclist, was hit by the bus driven by Andrew Rudnicki near Buranda train station. While Rudnicki was initially charged over the crash, the charges have since been dropped.

The three-day inquest into McDowall’s death began with Coroner Donald MacKenzie examining the circumstances of the crash, including Rudnicki’s ability to see McDowall and whether any safety improvements are needed in the area. McDowall, who was passionate about protecting the environment and used his bike for transportation, was struck at the intersection of Gillingham and O’Keefe streets, which is a busy area connecting to the South East Busway along the Pacific Motorway.

During the first day of the inquest, Rudnicki, who continues to drive buses for the council, testified that he had driven the route many times but could not see McDowall when he entered the intersection. Rudnicki stated that he was waiting at a red light and preparing to turn left onto the busway. He claimed that after the light turned green, he checked his mirrors and believed it was safe to proceed because it was “all clear”. Rudnicki also mentioned that he had signaled and was traveling at a speed of no more than 10 kilometers per hour at the time.

McDowall’s family mourned the loss of their loved one, emphasizing his passion for environmental conservation and safe cycling practices. The tragic incident has raised questions about road safety for cyclists and the visibility of buses at intersections. The inquest aims to understand what factors contributed to the crash and whether any recommendations should be made to prevent similar accidents in the future. The community has expressed support for McDowall’s family and a desire for improved safety measures in high-traffic areas like the one where the accident occurred.

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