President Joe Biden is gearing up for a campaign swing through battleground Pennsylvania to highlight his plans to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and corporations in contrast to former President Donald Trump. His visit will start with a major address in his hometown of Scranton, focusing on whether the tax code should benefit the rich or the middle class. Biden will then travel to the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia areas to speak at campaign events, aiming to build an economic case against Trump, who will be in court for his hush money trial. Both candidates are vying for the support of working-class voters, with Biden aiming to address voter pessimism about their financial state and his handling of the economy.

The focus of Biden’s campaign swing is on taxes, especially in the wake of Trump’s comments to wealthy donors about extending tax cuts for the richest Americans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 primarily benefited the wealthy, with more than 60% of the benefits going to the top 20% of income earners. Biden’s proposals include raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans and corporations while ensuring that those earning less than $400,000 do not see tax increases. His plans include a 25% minimum tax on income for the wealthiest Americans and increasing the corporate tax rate to 28%.

While Biden’s team highlights positive aspects of the economy such as low unemployment and wage gains, concerns about inflation have emerged due to recent reports showing increased consumer prices. Biden has acknowledged the need to drive down costs and has called on corporations with high profits to lower prices for consumers. He defended his handling of inflation, contrasting his plan with the opposition’s focus on cutting taxes for the wealthy and raising taxes on others. Polls show mixed opinions on Biden’s economic policies, with a significant portion of Americans believing his policies have worsened economic conditions.

Pennsylvania is a crucial battleground state that could determine the outcome of the election, with both Biden and Trump appealing to working-class voters in these industrial states. Biden has made multiple visits to Pennsylvania this year, with his upcoming stop in Scranton marking his first visit to his hometown in 2022. Trump is also holding a rally near Allentown, highlighting the importance of the state in both campaigns. Biden has framed the election as a choice between Scranton and Park Avenue, emphasizing his blue-collar roots and portraying Trump as favoring the wealthy. Polls in Pennsylvania show a tight race between the two candidates, with Trump leading in handling the economy according to registered voters in battleground states.

Overall, Biden’s campaign swing in Pennsylvania aims to underscore his economic proposals to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations, contrasting them with Trump’s favoritism towards the rich. By focusing on working-class voters and addressing concerns about inflation and the economy, Biden faces a critical juncture in his reelection bid. Pennsylvania remains a key battleground state that both candidates are actively campaigning in, highlighting the significance of the state in the upcoming election. The contrasting economic visions presented by Biden and Trump will likely play a vital role in shaping voter opinions and determining the outcome of the election.

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