A watchdog organization focused on higher education released a video showing an operative from an outside communist group participating in an anti-Israel protest at the University of California, Los Angeles. The woman, identified as “Annie” from the Revcoms, expressed revolutionary sentiments and a desire for the overthrow of capitalism-imperialism. The group, known for burning an American flag at a concert, aims to bring about a socialist system of government. The video reveals the presence of outside agitators in organizing and supporting antisemitic protests on college campuses.

The activist group Revcom, led by political activist Bob Avakian, has roots in the 1960s liberal activist movements and seeks to spread communist ideas while advocating for the replacement of the current government system in the United States. The organization’s involvement in stoking anti-Israel sentiments at UCLA highlights the presence of outside influences in college campus protests. Many of the protesters arrested at recent anti-Israel encampments on college campuses across the country have not been students, suggesting the organization and support of national groups backed by progressive donors. Liberal megadonor George Soros and other progressive dark money operations have ties to the anti-Israel protests, raising concerns about the involvement of outside groups in inciting hatred and disruption.

The video featuring “Annie” from Revcom sheds light on the connection between Marxist revolutionaries and anti-Israel encampments, often organized and supported by outside agitators with political agendas. These individuals are advocating for a revolution and the abolition of the current capitalist system. The infiltration of such groups in college campuses raises questions about the integrity of protests and the level of influence from external organizations on student movements. The involvement of prominent donors to President Biden in some of these groups causing disruptions underscores the political motivations behind these protests and the need for transparency in funding sources.

Accuracy in Media President Adam Guillette highlighted the role of outside agitators, such as the Revolutionary Communist Party, in fueling the flames of hatred at UCLA and other college campuses. The presence of organized revolutionary groups like Revcom in anti-Israel protests raises concerns about the influence of extremist ideologies on student-led movements. The association of these groups with national organizations funded by progressive donors points to a larger network of support for anti-Israel activities on college campuses. The arrest of over 130 protesters at an anti-Israel encampment earlier this month underscores the escalating tensions surrounding these events and the need for law enforcement to intervene.

The involvement of outside communist groups in anti-Israel protests on college campuses signifies a broader trend of political agitation and radical activism infiltrating student movements. The presence of national organizations with ties to wealthy donors in organizing and supporting these protests raises questions about the authenticity and motives behind student-led demonstrations. The role of groups like Revcom in advocating for revolution and the downfall of capitalism-imperialism underscores the ideological clashes taking place on college campuses. As law enforcement grapples with the challenges posed by these anti-Israel encampments, the influence of outside agitators and the agenda they promote must be closely examined to ensure the safety and integrity of student activism.

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