In the interview with retired Gen. Frank McKenzie, the former commander of US forces in the Middle East, the discussion focused on the ongoing conflict in the region. Gen. McKenzie highlighted the recent missile attack by Iran on Israel and the potential consequences. He mentioned that Iran is currently on their back heel, with their ally Hezbollah limited in offensive capabilities. Gen. McKenzie also pointed out that Israel has various options for retaliatory strikes, including targeting the Supreme Leader, nuclear facilities, oil infrastructure, or military intelligence targets. He predicted that Israel’s response would likely be larger than previous attacks.

Regarding the possibility of attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities, Gen. McKenzie stressed that all potential targets should remain on the table to keep the adversary guessing. He acknowledged that the Iranian nuclear target is a difficult one due to its size, complexity, and expansion over the years. While the US has special capabilities to target these facilities, Israel may not have the same resources. Gen. McKenzie suggested that there are other productive targets to consider for an initial response, such as oil infrastructure or IRGC headquarters.

The conversation shifted to the risk of unintended consequences, particularly the potential for Iran to pursue a nuclear weapon in response to escalating tensions. Gen. McKenzie expressed his belief that Iran may flirt with the idea of developing a nuclear weapon to extract concessions from the US but emphasized the challenges they would face in terms of delivery systems. He explained that even if Iran were to acquire fissile material quickly, creating a functioning missile system would take months, leaving them vulnerable during that time period.

On the topic of threats against former President Trump and other US officials by Iran, Gen. McKenzie analyzed the motivations behind Iran’s actions. He pointed out that Iran’s primary goal is regime preservation, and they view individuals like Trump as threats to their regime. Gen. McKenzie noted that Iran’s behavior is driven by desperation, similar to the recent attack on Israel. He explained that Iran sees Trump as worse than potential alternative leaders and is actively trying to target him and other officials.

In conclusion, Gen. McKenzie provided valuable insights into the dynamics of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, emphasizing the complexities of targeting Iran’s nuclear facilities and the potential consequences of escalating tensions. He highlighted the importance of keeping all options on the table and understanding Iran’s motivations in order to effectively manage the situation. The interview shed light on the strategic considerations and challenges involved in addressing the conflict in the region.

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