Former Army Maj. Harrison Mann, a U.S. Army veteran who resigned as an act of protest, believes that Israel’s war on Gaza amounts to “ethnic cleansing.” In his first television interview since leaving the military, Mann stated that Israel likely uses U.S. weapons in the conflict and questioned how 35,000 civilians could be killed accidentally. Mann, who is Jewish, expressed concern that Israel’s actions are not productive for the security of the state or Jewish people worldwide. His work for the Defense Intelligence Agency focused on the Middle East and Africa, and he believes it is directly connected to the suffering of innocent Palestinians.

Mann posted a “lightly edited” version of his resignation letter on his LinkedIn profile, highlighting his concerns with the DIA’s support for the government of Israel. He criticized the agency for enabling the killing and starvation of innocent Palestinians, a policy that has weighed heavily on his mind for months. Mann officially submitted his resignation letter on Nov. 1 and has since left the agency. He is now part of a growing list of government officials who have publicly resigned in protest of the war on Gaza, with him being the first Jewish official and the first from the military and intelligence community to do so.

The ongoing conflict between the Israeli military and Palestinians escalated after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, resulting in the deaths of approximately 1,200 people and the kidnapping of more than 250 hostages. In response, the Israeli military offensive has killed over 36,000 people in Gaza, including an estimated 15,000 children, and left around 81,000 injured. This violence has increased tensions in the region and led to more public criticism and calls for change. Mann’s resignation and public stance add to the voices advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and a reconsideration of U.S. support for Israel.

Mann’s decision to resign and speak out against the war on Gaza has sparked discussions about the role of the U.S. in the conflict and the impact of its support for Israel. His views and actions have brought attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the need for a diplomatic solution to end the violence. As a former Army officer with experience in intelligence, Mann’s perspective carries weight and adds depth to the conversation surrounding the conflict. The growing number of government officials resigning in protest highlights the need for a reassessment of U.S. policies and actions in the region.

The use of U.S. weapons in the conflict, as alleged by Mann, raises questions about the accountability and responsibility of the U.S. government in supporting military actions that may result in civilian casualties and human rights abuses. The concerns raised by Mann and others who have resigned in protest underscore the need for transparency, accountability, and adherence to international law in conflicts around the world. The impact of the Israeli military offensive on innocent civilians, including children, has prompted calls for a ceasefire and negotiations to ensure the protection of human rights and the lives of all those affected by the conflict.

Mann’s stance as a Jewish individual condemning the actions of the Israeli government in the conflict adds a unique perspective to the conversation on the war in Gaza. His background and experience in the military and intelligence community give weight to his criticisms and raise important questions about the ethical implications of U.S. support for Israel. As the conflict continues to escalate, voices like Mann’s play a crucial role in advocating for a peaceful resolution and a reevaluation of policies that contribute to violence and suffering in the region. Ultimately, the actions of individuals like Mann highlight the need for a nuanced and inclusive approach to addressing the complexities of the conflict and working towards a sustainable and just resolution.

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