More than 200 residents of Birchwood Terrace in Winnipeg were ordered to evacuate due to the building being in unsafe condition following a city inspection that revealed severe deterioration to the columns supporting the building. Residents like Vitalii Prystupa are still in the process of searching for accommodations after being forced to leave. Prystupa has been staying in a hotel through Red Cross assistance and has been struggling to find alternate housing. He has had to take days off work and is unsure when he will be able to retrieve his belongings from his apartment in Birchwood Terrace.

Despite efforts to find accommodations, Prystupa has not been successful in securing a new place to live. He expresses frustration at the lack of communication from the building’s property owner, Ladco Company Limited, since a tenant’s meeting that took place on Friday. Many residents, including Evacuee Des Kappel, feel the building was poorly maintained, with Kappel specifically mentioning a mouse infestation in his unit. Kappel has been trying to organize a Facebook group and inquire about a possible class action suit to connect with other residents and seek justice for the situation they have been forced into.

In an emailed statement to Global News, a spokesperson for the City of Winnipeg revealed that 199 people registered at their reception centre for evacuees, and 132 individuals have required food and lodging assistance. The spokesperson also clarified that the city does not require property owners to inspect occupied residential properties, and only conducts inspections related to permits. Despite attempts to reach out to Ladco Company Limited, the property owner declined an interview request, leaving many residents without answers on how the building fell into such disrepair and what their next steps should be.

The evacuation of Birchwood Terrace has left many residents in a state of confusion and uncertainty as they continue to search for accommodations and answers. Prystupa and others are struggling to find suitable housing and are frustrated by the lack of communication from the property owner. Kappel and some residents have attempted to organize through social media and explore legal options to address the situation. The City of Winnipeg has provided support to evacuees, but there are still many unanswered questions about the state of the building and the responsibilities of the property owner. Residents are left wondering when they will be able to return to retrieve their belongings and what the future holds for their housing situation.

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