In the town of Melamchi, Nepal, residents are facing the devastating impacts of extreme weather, including floods and landslides. The landscape is scarred with debris from previous disasters, with many houses on stilts to avoid flooding. Despite these efforts, homes are still damaged, windows ripped out of walls, and buildings slanting after the 2015 earthquake. Even farms are not spared, with some residents losing their land and fields to floods in 2021. One resident, Sukuram Tamang, lost everything to the floods, including his home and livestock.

The situation in Melamchi is dire, with many residents struggling to rebuild their lives amidst the ongoing weather extremes. The 2021 report from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development highlighted the increasing frequency of cascading hazards in Nepal and the Hindu Kush Himalaya region. Rising temperatures are leading to heavy glacial melt and shifting rainfall patterns, bringing heavy sediments downstream. The report emphasizes the need for better preparedness from local and federal governments to ensure the safety of residents and give them time to evacuate when necessary.

Despite the challenges, residents of Melamchi are resilient and determined to rebuild. Many are seen reconstructing their homes among the debris or building new ones entirely. Layers of mud cover up the remnants of the lives they once knew, but they continue to walk and live among the pieces of homes and furniture. The harsh reality of their situation is evident, with abandoned homes and properties scattered throughout the town.

One resident, Sita Pandit, took out a loan to rebuild her home after the earthquake, only to have it destroyed by the floods in 2021. Rocks and debris now cover her farm, adding to the challenges she faces in rebuilding her life. The devastating impacts of the ongoing weather extremes are clear, with many abandoned houses visible in the town, left in ruins by the floods and landslides. Despite the hardships, residents like Sukuram Tamang and Sita Pandit remain hopeful and resilient in the face of adversity.

As residents continue to rebuild and recover from the devastation, the need for support and assistance from governmental and non-governmental organizations remains critical. The ongoing impacts of extreme weather in Melamchi serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need for climate adaptation and disaster preparedness measures. The resilience and determination of the residents of Melamchi are evident as they work to overcome the challenges and rebuild their lives in the face of ongoing weather extremes.

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