The small town of Forks in Washington has experienced a surge in tourism after being featured in the “Twilight” novels and movies nearly two decades ago. The town, which previously had only 5,000 tourists in 2005, saw a significant increase as 66,000 tourists visited last year. The influx of tourists has caused frustrations among locals who feel overwhelmed by the increasing number of visitors flocking to the town.

Residents of Forks have encountered various odd characters roaming the streets, including individuals with sharpened teeth and those hunting for vampires in the woods. The local hardware store frequently sells out of flashlights as tourists purchase them for their vampire hunts. Some locals have expressed concerns about safety, especially in areas like the local school where fans of the series have been seen crying about their love for the vampire characters.

While some residents are annoyed by the crowds and disruption caused by the tourism boom, others like Lissy Andros, who moved to Forks because of her love for “Twilight,” see the benefits it brings to the town. Despite the mixed reactions from residents, the executive director of the chamber of commerce acknowledges the positive impact of the books on the town’s economy. However, there are still some who oppose the tourism influx and believe the town would thrive without it.

In the midst of the ongoing debate about the impact of “Twilight” tourism on the town of Forks, longtime residents like Leslie Graham express mixed feelings about the changes they have witnessed. Graham, a fourth-generation local, acknowledges the benefits of progress and increased tourism but also laments the loss of the quiet town she grew up in. The influx of visitors has led to crowded streets and a shift in the town’s atmosphere that older residents find unsettling.

Despite the challenges posed by the sudden increase in tourism, Forks continues to attract fans of the “Twilight” series who are eager to visit the setting of their favorite books and movies. While some visitors engage in quirky activities like hunting vampires in the woods, others simply enjoy exploring the town and immersing themselves in the fictional world created by Stephanie Meyer. The ongoing popularity of “Twilight” has ensured that Forks remains a popular destination for fans seeking to experience the magic of the novels in real life.

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