Residents in New York City are calling for Mayor Eric Adams to address the presence of an “open-air drug market” on Melrose Avenue in the Bronx. The area near the subway station on 149th Street has become a hub for drug users openly engaging in illegal activities during broad daylight. This situation has led to concerns among residents who feel that City Hall is turning a blind eye to the criminal activity and allowing drug use to persist. A business owner on Melrose Avenue has reported losing customers due to the unsanitary conditions created by drug use, including the need to clean up urine and feces in front of his store daily.

Congressman Ritchie Torres, who represents the Bronx, has written a letter to Mayor Eric Adams urging immediate action to address the issue of the open-air drug market on Melrose Avenue. Torres has emphasized the responsibility of the mayor in maintaining public safety, as he controls both the police department and the Department of Health. While City Hall has stated that they are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of New Yorkers through proactive and reactive policies, Torres believes that the mayor needs to take decisive action to dismantle the open-air drug market in the Bronx. Despite the concerns raised by Torres and residents, the NYPD has not yet responded to requests for comment on the situation.

The deteriorating conditions on Melrose Avenue have prompted calls for increased police patrols and government intervention by local officials and residents alike. The area has become a source of frustration for residents who feel that the presence of an open-air drug market has created an unsafe and unsanitary environment. Business owners like Hassan have reported losing customers due to the situation, further highlighting the need for immediate action to address the issue. Congressman Torres has emphasized the importance of Mayor Adams taking responsibility for addressing the concerns raised by residents and ensuring that the streets are safe for all New Yorkers.

Mayor Adams has been urged to deploy both police officials and health officials to address the open-air drug market on Melrose Avenue and improve livability in the neighborhood. City Hall has expressed a commitment to partnering with Congressman Torres and other local officials to address the issue and create a safer environment for residents. While the concerns raised by residents and local officials have been acknowledged, the responsibility for taking action against the open-air drug market ultimately lies with Mayor Adams, who has control over city departments relevant to addressing the issue.

The situation on Melrose Avenue in the Bronx has escalated to the point where residents feel that drastic measures need to be taken to address the presence of the open-air drug market. The unsanitary conditions, public safety concerns, and negative impact on local businesses have all contributed to the urgency of the situation. As pressure mounts on Mayor Adams to take action, residents and local officials are hopeful that steps will be taken to dismantle the open-air drug market and improve the quality of life in the neighborhood. With continued advocacy and collaboration between City Hall, local officials, law enforcement, and residents, there is optimism that the issue can be effectively addressed and resolved.

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