A recent study found that specially trained service dogs helped to ease PTSD symptoms in US military veterans, offering hope for expanded options for service members struggling with the condition. The US Department of Veterans Affairs offers talk therapy and medications to veterans with PTSD and also runs a pilot program involving service dogs. The agency continues to review the research to evaluate the effectiveness of service dogs and is committed to providing evidence-based care to all those who have served.

For the study, service dogs were provided by a non-profit organization called K9s For Warriors, which matches trained dogs with veterans during a three-week group class. The dogs are trained to pick up a veteran’s physical signs of distress and can help interrupt panic attacks and nightmares with a loving nudge. Researchers compared 81 veterans who received service dogs with 75 veterans on the waiting list for a trained dog. PTSD symptoms were measured by psychology doctoral students who were unaware of which veterans had service dogs. After three months, PTSD symptoms improved in both groups, but veterans with dogs saw a larger improvement on average. The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, was published in JAMA Network Open.

It is unclear from the study whether spending time with any dog would have the same effect, as about 40% of the veterans in both groups owned pet dogs. It is also important to note that all veterans in the study had access to other PTSD treatments. The study’s co-author, Maggie O’Haire, emphasized that service dogs should be considered complementary to other therapies and not a standalone treatment. By adding service dogs to existing medical practices, it can enhance the overall experience and reduce symptoms more effectively.

PTSD is more common among veterans than civilians, affecting up to 29% of Iraq war veterans over their lifetimes, according to the VA. Symptoms of PTSD include nightmares, flashbacks, numbness, and a constant feeling of being on edge. One veteran, Dave Crenshaw, who served with the Army National Guard in Iraq and was diagnosed with PTSD in 2016, found relief with his service dog named Doc. Doc senses when Crenshaw is upset and provides comfort, leading to a significant improvement in his symptoms. Crenshaw no longer takes antidepressants and credits Doc with helping him get his life back on track.

The study aims to bring scientific evidence to support the use of service dogs for veterans with PTSD, an increasingly popular practice that was lacking scientific backing. The VA provides service dogs to eligible veterans with PTSD, visual, hearing, or mobility impairments, and covers some associated costs. While the study shows promising results, more research is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of service dogs as a complementary therapy for veterans with PTSD. Service dogs have the potential to enhance the overall treatment experience and provide significant relief from symptoms, offering hope for improved care for those who have served.

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