The film titled “The Human Cost of Coffee” explores the exploitation of workers on Brazilian coffee farms through the story of survivor Jorge Ferreira. Growing up surrounded by coffee farms in Brazil, Jorge worked in the coffee harvest in Minas Gerais state as a young man, where he experienced exhaustion, threats, and unpaid work. Over 30 years later, Jorge now fights for the rights of labourers in the same region, working with authorities to rescue workers from slave-like conditions in the coffee industry.

The documentary highlights the harsh realities faced by coffee farm workers, including long hours, low pay, and poor living conditions. Many workers, like Jorge, are forced into exploitative situations, with little recourse for escaping their conditions. The film sheds light on the systemic issues within the coffee industry, where profit often comes at the expense of worker rights and well-being. It also reveals the complicity of authorities and landowners in perpetuating these conditions.

Through Jorge’s activism and advocacy, the film showcases the efforts to raise awareness and bring about change in the coffee industry. By working with authorities to rescue workers and expose the injustices faced by labourers, Jorge is determined to hold accountable those responsible for exploitation. The film serves as a call to action for consumers to be more conscious of the human cost behind their morning cup of coffee, and to support initiatives that promote fair labour practices in the industry.

“The Human Cost of Coffee” uncovers the hidden stories of exploitation and abuse among coffee farm workers, shedding light on a dark reality often overlooked by consumers. Through Jorge’s personal journey and tireless activism, the film captures the resilience and courage of those fighting for justice in the face of systemic injustice. By highlighting the voices of survivors and advocates, the documentary aims to challenge the status quo and inspire change in the way the coffee industry operates.

The film is a powerful reminder of the human toll of consumerism, as well as the importance of ethical sourcing and fair trade practices in the coffee industry. By bringing attention to the plight of coffee farm workers in Brazil, “The Human Cost of Coffee” sparks conversations about social responsibility and the need for greater transparency in supply chains. It serves as a poignant reminder that behind every cup of coffee lies a story of struggle, sacrifice, and resilience.

Ultimately, “The Human Cost of Coffee” serves as a testament to the strength of survivors like Jorge Ferreira, who refuse to let their past define their future. By speaking out against exploitation and standing up for the rights of labourers, Jorge embodies the spirit of resistance and advocacy in the face of adversity. The film challenges viewers to confront the uncomfortable truths about the coffee industry and take action to support fair labour practices and human rights for all workers. In doing so, it calls on us to consider the true cost of our daily consumption choices and strive for a more just and equitable world for all.

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