Lukas McClish, a California hiker, was found 10 days after getting lost in the Santa Cruz Mountains. During his time lost, he battled hypothermia, had rocks lodged in his back, and even encountered a mountain lion. McClish revealed that he lost 30 pounds during his ordeal, surviving on water and trying to stay warm at night by stuffing himself inside a hollowed-out log. His albinism made him particularly susceptible to the sun, forcing him to stay under tree canopies during the day.

Despite being an experienced backpacker, McClish set off on the hike without any camping gear, a phone, or even his trusty pocket knife. He quickly lost his sense of direction and found himself struggling to find his way back. He initially saw the experience as a test of his survival skills but began to fear his predicament after several days passed by. The recent wildfires had destroyed the landmarks and trails he typically relied on, making it difficult for him to navigate his way back.

McClish noticed a mountain lion tracking him during his time lost, but managed to keep his distance from the animal. He also had to deal with the challenges of his albinism, making him vulnerable to harsh sunlight. McClish’s family reported him missing, leading to a multi-agency search that eventually led to his rescue. He was treated for sunburn, scrapes, bruises, and had rocks removed from his back when he was found. Despite his extensive hiking experience, McClish was surprised by the harsh conditions he faced in the mountains.

After being rescued, McClish reflected on his ordeal and admitted that he had underestimated the challenges of the Santa Cruz Mountains. He had assumed he would be able to find his way back by following the sun to the ocean, but the fires had changed the landscape drastically. McClish’s survival instincts and resourcefulness ultimately helped him stay alive during the 10 days he was lost. He mentioned how he tried to stay warm at night and used his boot to drink water from a waterfall.

McClish’s harrowing experience serves as a reminder of the dangers of hiking in remote areas without proper preparation. Despite his survival skills and past hiking experiences, he found himself in a life-threatening situation due to unforeseen circumstances. McClish’s story highlights the importance of being prepared, carrying essential gear, and being aware of the risks of venturing into the wilderness. His incredible survival and rescue demonstrate the resilience and determination of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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