An animal control team in Fresno County, California responded to a call from a Realtor who discovered four dogs and six cats abandoned at a property when their owners moved out. Despite leaving a notice for the owners to contact them, with no response, the animal control team returned to rescue the animals. Upon further investigation, they noticed one of the dogs violently shaking and suspected he had ingested some sort of toxin. The dog was rushed to the emergency vet where it was determined he had ingested meth, a powerful stimulant. This gut-wrenching story was shared on TikTok, bringing attention to the issue.

The rescued dog received the necessary medical attention in time, and his tremors have completely subsided. He is currently recovering in isolation at the shelter. The other animals were found to be asymptomatic, and it was only the one dog who had ingested the drugs. The other three dogs are available for adoption from the Fresno County Animal Services shelter, while the cats are expected to be ready for adoption next week after recovering from an upper respiratory infection. The team’s quick action and intervention saved the lives of these animals in need.

The TikTok video documenting the rescue and the dog’s medical treatment had a profound impact on viewers, with many expressing shock and sadness at the conditions the animals were left in. The video received over 1.9 million views, 386,200 likes, and 2,089 comments, showcasing the extent of public outrage and concern over the animals’ abandonment and mistreatment. Viewers expressed gratitude towards the animal control team for rescuing the pets and ensuring they received the care they needed to recover from the ordeal.

Viewers of the TikTok video were moved by the plight of the rescued dog, who was left hungry and scared after ingesting meth while searching for food. Many commented on the heartbreaking situation, condemning the owners for their neglect and cruelty towards the animals. The story served as a reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and the consequences of abandoning animals in unsafe conditions. The public response highlighted the compassion and empathy people have towards animals in need and the importance of providing them with proper care and support.

The animal control team’s efforts to rescue the abandoned pets and provide them with medical treatment demonstrated their dedication to animal welfare and their commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of animals in distress. The team’s swift action in responding to the call, investigating the situation, and securing the necessary care for the animals exemplified their professionalism and compassion in handling challenging and heartbreaking cases of neglect and mistreatment. The rescued animals, including the dog who ingested meth, are now on the path to recovery thanks to the team’s intervention and the support of the community in raising awareness about their plight.

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