Republicans are expressing anger over the Biden administration’s decision to withhold information regarding individuals on the terror watchlist encountered at the southern border. Senator Ted Cruz questioned what the administration is hiding, particularly since they have not disclosed the countries of origin of these individuals, which he believes may be concerning. Fox News submitted a Freedom of Information Act request seeking the nationalities of suspects on the FBI terror watchlist who were arrested at the southern border by Border Patrol. The Terrorist Screening Dataset contains sensitive information on known or suspected terrorists, as well as individuals who pose a potential threat to the United States.

After over six months, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) informed Fox News that it would not provide the requested information, citing exemptions to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. The agency stated that the privacy interests of the individuals outweigh any public interest in disclosing the information, and that it must balance the public’s right to know against an individual’s right to privacy. The response from CBP has sparked backlash from Republicans, who accused the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of prioritizing the privacy of potential national security threats over the American people’s right to know where these individuals are coming from.

Representative Darrell Issa wrote to DHS and CBP emphasizing the importance of retaining data on the nationalities of those who have entered the United States and remain in the country. He requested information on the nationalities of individuals on the Terrorist Screening Dataset, as well as those in or near his district. Representative Chip Roy also requested a briefing on the matter, expressing concern over DHS only offering a briefing within a sensitive facility. Roy stressed the need to provide critical information to the public and reiterated his request for a briefing on the issue.

The refusal to release information on the nationalities of individuals on the terror watchlist encountered at the southern border has raised concerns among Republicans, who are calling for transparency from the Biden administration. The lack of disclosure regarding the origins of these individuals has led to speculation about potential threats to national security. Despite efforts by lawmakers to obtain this information, CBP has maintained its stance on protecting the privacy of the individuals involved.

The response to the FOIA request from Fox News has sparked criticism from Republicans regarding the Biden administration’s handling of national security threats at the southern border. Concerns have been raised about the potential risks posed by individuals on the terror watchlist who have been encountered by Border Patrol. Lawmakers continue to push for transparency and critical information regarding the identities and nationalities of these individuals in order to ensure the safety and security of the American people. The Biden administration’s refusal to disclose this information has only fueled further speculation and outrage among Republicans.

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