Republican lawmakers Michael McCaul and Jim Risch have called on President Joe Biden to prevent a French company, Electricite de France (EDF), from working on civil nuclear power projects with Russia’s state-owned nuclear company Rosatom. The lawmakers argue that allowing this partnership would help fund Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, as it would put more money into Putin’s hands to support his aggressive actions in the region. They urged Biden not to waive sanctions on Russia, which were put in place to address national security threats posed by the country.

The lawmakers, who serve on key foreign affairs committees in Congress, have made their concerns public in a letter dated May 6. They believe that the only way to influence the administration’s decision is to bring attention to the issue. They also expressed their disapproval of the potential exemption of EDF from U.S. sanctions, as it would allow the company to purchase a subsidiary of a U.S. company that has been involved in nuclear power projects with Rosatom in Hungary, Turkey, and Egypt. These projects have been suspended for years due to sanctions.

Biden recently signed a military aid package for Ukraine with nearly $61 billion in assistance, and is expected to sign a ban on imports of Russian enriched uranium that was recently passed by Congress. The lawmakers argue that depending on Russian energy poses a threat to transatlantic security, and they find it troubling that the administration would consider perpetuating this dependence. They believe it is crucial for the U.S. to take a stand against supporting projects that could financially benefit Russia and potentially contribute to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The concerns raised by McCaul and Risch highlight the complexities of international relations and the need for careful consideration when it comes to economic partnerships that could have political implications. The situation also underscores the broader issue of global energy security and the strategic implications of energy partnerships with countries like Russia. It is a reminder of the delicate balance that must be maintained in diplomatic relations, particularly in times of conflict and geopolitical tension.

The lawmakers’ letter and public statements demonstrate their commitment to holding the administration accountable and advocating for policies that align with their understanding of national security interests. By urging Biden to reject the proposal to waive sanctions on Russia and allow EDF to engage in nuclear power projects with Rosatom, they are signaling their determination to push back against actions that could benefit Putin’s regime and contribute to instability in the region.

As this issue unfolds, it will be important to continue monitoring how the Biden administration responds and how these lawmakers continue to advocate for their position. The outcome of this debate could have far-reaching implications for U.S. foreign policy, energy security, and relations with Russia and other key global players. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges and complexities of navigating the global political landscape and the need for thoughtful and strategic decision-making in addressing these issues.

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