Republican lawmakers Sen. Tim Scott and Rep. Mike Lawler are urging the Biden administration to censure Iran at the next International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting due to its increased nuclear activities and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. They are introducing a resolution that would refer the issue to the U.N. Security Council and reaffirm measures to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. The IAEA aims to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and prevent its use for military purposes, including nuclear weapons.

The resolution condemns Iran’s obstruction of monitoring and verification activities by the IAEA and calls for sanctions on Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. It stresses the need for coordinated international action to address the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program and calls on all nations to join the U.S. in taking decisive steps to ensure Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons and uphold non-proliferation standards in the Middle East and beyond. Several Republican senators and representatives are co-sponsoring the resolution.

In February, the head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog warned that Iran has not been entirely transparent regarding its atomic program, especially after an official who previously led Tehran’s program stated that Iran has all the components for a nuclear weapon. After the collapse of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, Iran has pursued nuclear enrichment just below weapons-grade levels and has accumulated enough enriched uranium to build several weapons if it chooses.

Critics of the Biden administration’s Iran policy argue that the strategy of de-escalation and containment targeting Iran’s atomic program has failed. Iran, often considered the world’s worst state-sponsor of international terrorism, is rapidly moving towards securing an operational nuclear weapon. In April, a report from Germany’s Nordrhein-Westfalen state intelligence agency revealed Iran’s ongoing intensive procurement efforts in Germany for its nuclear and missile programs, indicating that Iran is involved in proliferation-related activities to bypass sanctions.

The resolution emphasizes the urgency of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and urges the Biden administration to pursue punitive measures for Iran’s violations of international non-proliferation agreements. It calls for the U.S. commitment to preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and stresses the need for a strong international response to address Iran’s nuclear program. The resolution also highlights Iran’s role as the greatest state sponsor of terror and the necessity of preventing a nuclear Iran. The White House has been contacted for comment on the matter.

The resolution introduced by Republican lawmakers Sen. Tim Scott and Rep. Mike Lawler aims to push the Biden administration to take action against Iran’s increased nuclear activities and prevent the country from acquiring nuclear weapons. The resolution condemns Iran’s obstruction of monitoring by the IAEA and calls for sanctions on Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. The urgency is stressed in preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and ensuring the international community takes decisive action to address Iran’s nuclear program. The ongoing efforts by Iran to accelerate its nuclear program have prompted concerns and the need for a strong response to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.

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