Republican Rep. Andy Ogles from Tennessee plans to introduce the “No Juicing Joe Act,” which would require President Biden to notify Congress if he takes drugs to improve his cognitive abilities. Ogles claims that the President is receiving some kind of medication to enhance his cognitive function and energy, and the American people deserve to know if he is taking any medications that alter his abilities. The White House has not performed any cognitive tests on Biden, leading Ogles to propose this legislation to ensure transparency.

Ogles questions Biden’s capability to lead the free world and expresses concerns for the President’s well-being, suggesting that Biden may not always know where he is or who he is. He believes that it might be seen as elder abuse to put someone in such a position of leadership when they may not be fully capable. Biden’s recent behavior at the G7 summit, where he wandered off during a skydiving demonstration and had to be pulled back by the host nation’s prime minister, has raised further concerns about his cognitive abilities in public.

Former President Donald Trump has also called for Biden to undergo drug testing ahead of the two presidential debates scheduled to take place between them. Trump referenced Biden’s State of the Union address in March, suggesting that he appeared to be under the influence of drugs during that speech. The two candidates have agreed to debate each other on June 27 and Sept. 10, but there are doubts about whether these debates will actually take place.

The legislation proposed by Ogles aims to address the lack of transparency regarding Biden’s cognitive abilities and any medications he may be taking to enhance his performance. By requiring the President to notify Congress if he is taking any medication that could affect his ability to lead, the bill seeks to ensure that the American people have access to information about their leader’s state of mind. These concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities have been amplified by recent public incidents, adding urgency to the need for transparency.

Ogles further emphasizes his belief that the President’s behavior in public settings reflects poorly on the image the United States presents to the global community. He sees Biden’s moments of confusion and disorientation as damaging to the country’s reputation and leadership position on the international stage. By highlighting these instances of Biden’s behavior, Ogles underscores the importance of addressing these concerns and ensuring that the President is fit to carry out his duties effectively.

As the oldest President in U.S. history, Biden’s age and state of mind have become significant points of discussion and scrutiny. Ogles’ legislation reflects a broader conversation about the need for transparency and accountability in government, particularly when it comes to the President’s cognitive abilities and potential use of medication. The bill seeks to address these concerns and provide a framework for assessing and monitoring the President’s ability to lead effectively, especially in critical situations on the global stage where his performance is under scrutiny.

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