Reps. Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush made similar social media posts on Memorial Day, which is dedicated to honoring and mourning U.S. military personnel who died in service to their country. Both posts seemed to mix up Memorial Day with Veterans Day, another federal holiday that honors living military veterans. Social media users were quick to point out the confusion in the congresswomen’s messages, with some calling out Omar for misunderstanding the meaning of Memorial Day.

Critics on social media were quick to highlight the mistake made by the two congresswomen, with many expressing disbelief that elected officials would mix up the meaning of Memorial Day with Veterans Day. Some commentators pointed out that Memorial Day is specifically for honoring those who have died while serving in the U.S. military, while Veterans Day is a day to honor living veterans. Screenshots of the original posts were widely circulated online before they were deleted by both Omar and Bush.

In response to the backlash, Bush posted a revised message that correctly acknowledged the purpose of Memorial Day and honored those who served and lost their lives for the country. She emphasized the importance of protecting service members and working towards a world free of war and violence. While Bush posted a corrected message, Omar’s official congressional account did not put up a replacement tweet. However, her personal account did acknowledge the sacrifice made by the men and women who served in the military.

Despite the confusion and backlash, both Omar and Bush did not respond to requests for comment from Fox News Digital. The incident highlighted the importance of accurate communication and understanding of national holidays, especially when being shared by public figures and elected officials. The mix-up between Memorial Day and Veterans Day served as a reminder to always double-check information before sharing messages, especially when it comes to honoring and remembering the sacrifices made by military personnel. Ultimately, the congresswomen’s misstep on social media sparked a conversation about the significance of Memorial Day and the importance of properly acknowledging and honoring those who have served and sacrificed for their country.

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