U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, announced that she is being treated for pancreatic cancer, but reassured her constituents that she will soon be back at full strength. Jackson Lee, 74, has represented Texas’ 18th congressional district for 30 years, and she shared in a statement that she is currently undergoing treatment for the disease. She expressed confidence in her doctors’ plan to target her specific illness, noting that the road ahead will not be easy but she stands in faith that God will give her strength.

Although Jackson Lee may be occasionally absent from Congress during her treatment, she emphasized that her office will continue to provide the constituent services they expect and deserve. She expressed her commitment to working with Congressional leadership to serve the nation and participate in critical votes on legislation. Despite her health challenges, Jackson Lee remains determined to return to full strength soon. She previously overcame breast cancer after being diagnosed in 2011 and announced herself cancer-free the following year.

Before her tenure in Congress, Jackson Lee served as a judge and later won an at-large Houston City Council seat in 1989. She also ran for Houston mayor last year but was defeated by then-state Sen. John Whitmire. Despite the setback, she announced her intention to seek reelection to Congress. Reflecting on her career and personal challenges, Jackson Lee emphasized her faith in God, love for humanity, and dedication to public service. She highlighted her advocacy for justice and equality, especially for the disadvantaged, and vowed to approach her current fight with the same faith and courage.

As she undergoes treatment for pancreatic cancer, Jackson Lee asked for prayers for herself and her family, pledging that they will remain in her thoughts as well. She expressed gratitude for the support she has received from her community and urged everyone to continue working towards a better future for all. Despite the personal nature of her current battle, Jackson Lee’s commitment to public service and advocacy for those in need remains steadfast. She concluded her statement with a message of blessings for the American people, reinforcing her unwavering dedication to the nation and its citizens.

Jackson Lee’s announcement serves as a reminder of the challenges individuals face in battling serious illnesses, even those who hold positions of leadership and authority. Her willingness to share her diagnosis and treatment journey openly with the public demonstrates courage and resilience in the face of adversity. By using her platform to raise awareness about pancreatic cancer and the importance of early detection, Jackson Lee continues to serve as a source of inspiration and strength for others facing similar struggles. Her commitment to returning to Congress and continuing her advocacy work reflects her enduring dedication to serving her constituents and fighting for justice and equality.

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