The Biden administration is on high alert for possible retaliation from Iran following an Israeli strike on the Islamic Republic’s consulate in Syria. US officials believe that Iran may direct an attack on Israeli or American assets in the Middle East within the next week in response to the airstrike in Damascus that killed seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps members, including two top commanders. The US believes Israel was responsible for the strike, though it has not been confirmed by the Jewish state. Iranian officials, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, have vowed revenge, prompting President Biden to assure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of US support in the face of these threats.

During a phone call between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu, the US made it clear that it will support Israel in its self-defense against threats from Iran. The potential of a direct attack on Israel by Iran raises concerns of further escalation in the region, particularly as Iranian-backed militant groups have targeted US troops through drone strikes over 100 times since Israel’s conflict with Hamas. This has led to US-led airstrikes on militant group outposts in Syria and Iraq. With tensions high, the US is preparing for the possibility of significant retaliation from Iran, which is seen as inevitable by some officials.

The airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Syria has escalated tensions between Iran, Israel, and the US, with fears of potential further attacks on American or Israeli assets in the region. The US is in a state of high vigilance as it anticipates retaliation from Iran, considering it as a significant possibility according to senior officials. President Biden’s assurance of strong support for Israel in the face of Iranian threats signifies a firm stance against aggression in the region. Iran’s public vows of revenge and threats to Israel’s security have put additional pressure on the situation, raising concerns of further conflict if direct action is taken against Israel by Iran.

The US government sees the strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria as a potential trigger for retaliatory action from Iran, given the loss of senior IRGC members in the attack. With Israel suspected to be behind the airstrike, tensions have reached a critical point in the region. The prospect of escalation between Hamas and Israel following potential Iranian attacks further complicates an already volatile situation. The frequency of drone strikes by Iranian-backed groups targeting US troops in the region has added to the concern, leading to US-led strikes on militant outposts as a response to the ongoing threats. Amidst these challenges, the Biden administration remains prepared for any escalation in hostilities and stands ready to provide support to its allies in the region facing Iranian aggression.

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