Russian military personnel have recently moved into an air base in Niger that is also housing US troops, according to US officials. The situation has been described as “not great but manageable” in the short-term. The presence of Russian forces at Airbase 101 in Niger’s capital city of Niamey occurs during negotiations between the US and Niger regarding the withdrawal of American service members deployed to the country. Relations between the two nations have deteriorated since a military junta took control of Niger’s government last year, with the new military government demanding that US forces conducting counterterrorism operations in Niger leave the country.

The Russian troops currently occupy a hangar on the base in Niger, which is owned by the Nigerien military. They have been on the property for several weeks, but they do not have direct access to US troops, spaces, or equipment as they are separate from where US service members are being housed. Most US troops in Niger have been relocated to a different air base, in Agade, shortly after the coup that took place in July 2023. The Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary announced that the US would be sending a delegation to Niger to discuss the withdrawal of US forces as tensions between Washington and Moscow continue to rise due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Russia’s Defense Ministry revealed earlier this year that a military cooperation agreement with Niger was reached to help stabilize the situation in the region and enhance the training of Nigerien troops. However, the proximity of the Russian military to US troops in Niger comes at a time when tensions are high between Washington and Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine. President Biden recently authorized more than $60 billion in military assistance to Ukraine, with $1 billion already sent to the country in the form of anti-aircraft missiles, small arms, and artillery rounds. The US has also provided the Ukrainian Army with long-range missile systems capable of striking deep behind Russia’s frontlines. The Pentagon did not provide a response to requests for comment on the situation in Niger.

In summary, Russian forces have moved into a shared air base in Niger, where US troops are also stationed, as the US negotiates the withdrawal of American service members deployed to the country. Tensions have risen between the US and Niger since a military junta seized control of the government, leading to demands for US counterterrorism operations in Niger to cease. Despite the presence of Russian troops at the air base, they do not have direct access to US troops, equipment, or spaces. The situation has been described as manageable in the short-term, but the long-term repercussions of Russian military presence near US troops in Niger remain to be seen.

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