The release of Modern Warfare III, the worst-reviewed Call of Duty game in years, still managed to sell well in 2023. The Wall Street Journal reported that the upcoming Call of Duty game would be launched on Xbox Game Pass, signifying a significant gamble for Xbox and Microsoft’s gaming division. It is known that Microsoft, now the owner of Activision, releases a new Call of Duty game annually, even if some editions are not well-received by critics. Microsoft plans to debut the 2024 Call of Duty game at the next Xbox Games Showcase, where it will also announce that the game will be available on Game Pass on launch day.

The move to include Call of Duty on Xbox Game Pass is a bold bet by Microsoft, aiming to increase interest in both the service and the Xbox platform. This could be a beneficial deal for consumers as it would allow people to play the new game for a few months for less than the cost of the base game. However, this could potentially impact the overall sales of the game, especially on the Xbox platform. Microsoft hopes that adding Call of Duty to Game Pass will attract more players who may not have tried the game otherwise or provide an opportunity for casual players to try out the game without having to purchase it.

Microsoft’s decision to keep Call of Duty a cross-platform game but highlight it on Game Pass is part of a larger strategy to redefine success on the Xbox platform. The company aims to focus on the number of subscribers on Game Pass rather than individual hardware sales or game sales. This move could be seen as a confirmation of Microsoft’s portrayal of Game Pass as a “discovery engine,” encouraging players to try out various games before making a purchase. The inclusion of major titles like Call of Duty on Game Pass showcases Microsoft’s commitment to providing value to its subscribers.

The recent controversies surrounding Xbox, including the decision to bring first-party games to PlayStation and Switch, have impacted the brand’s perception. Despite positive commercial outcomes, Xbox hardware sales have declined, prompting studio shutdowns and layoffs within Microsoft. These actions have led to increased scrutiny of Xbox’s strategy and decision-making process. With Xbox Game Studios head Matt Booty’s comments on the need for “smaller games that give us prestige and awards,” there is a perception that Microsoft may have lost track of its core objectives.

Xbox chief Phil Spencer’s unconventional strategies have reshaped the gaming industry and positioned Microsoft as a major player. However, the rapid growth of Xbox Game Studios due to acquisitions like Bethesda and Activision Blizzard has led to concerns about the company’s ability to manage its expanding portfolio. The upcoming Showcase and the integration of Call of Duty on Game Pass will serve as a critical test for Xbox’s current operational strategy. The success or failure of these initiatives could impact the future direction of Xbox and determine the value of IPs like Call of Duty in the gaming industry.

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