A Venezuelan migrant who used social media to mock America and encourage other migrants to squat in U.S. citizens’ homes is now facing potential federal firearms charges. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to bring charges against Leonel Moreno, who crossed into the US illegally in 2022. Moreno received border parole in April 2022 as part of the Alternatives to Detention program. The exact charges are not known at this time, but sources suggest they could be brought under a section of the Gun Control Act that prohibits those on parole from possessing firearms or ammunition.

Moreno was arrested on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio, on March 29 after failing to appear for required check-ins with officers. In a series of videos, Moreno flaunted a stack of cash, bragged about not having to work, and mocked other migrants who come to the U.S. to work manual jobs. He claimed that his family received $350 a week in government handouts and made up to $1,000 a week from online platforms. Moreno’s TikTok account, which had over 500,000 followers, appeared to have been removed. In a new video, he expressed confidence in continuing to make money online and from government assistance, despite the closure of his TikTok account.

Former ICE field office director John Fabbricatore stated that any further charges against Moreno could “escalate” the case and potentially lead to a longer period of custody for him. Moreno is currently in custody at the Geauga County Jail on behalf of ICE. Fabbricatore emphasized the severity of unlawfully possessing a firearm for illegal aliens, stating that it could result in criminal charges and convictions. The ATF has been contacted for comment on this matter, but has not yet responded. Fabbricatore, who is running for Congress in Colorado’s Sixth District, serves as a warning to other illegal aliens about the consequences of possessing firearms illegally.

In light of Moreno’s case, it is evident that federal authorities are taking swift action against migrants who mock America and encourage illegal activities. The potential federal firearms charges against Moreno highlight the seriousness of possessing firearms unlawfully for those on parole. The closure of his TikTok account and his subsequent statements regarding continuing to make money online raise concerns about the exploitation of social media platforms for criminal activities. This case serves as a warning to other illegal aliens about the consequences of engaging in criminal behavior while in the United States.

The collaboration between the ATF and ICE in bringing charges against Moreno underscores the commitment of federal authorities to uphold the law and ensure that individuals who flout it are held accountable. The increased scrutiny on Moreno’s actions, as highlighted in his videos, sheds light on the challenges faced by law enforcement in monitoring and addressing criminal activity on social media platforms. It also emphasizes the importance of cooperation between different agencies in pursuing charges and ensuring that justice is served. This case serves as a reminder that individuals who seek to exploit the system or engage in criminal behavior will face consequences for their actions.

Overall, the case of Leonel Moreno, the Venezuelan migrant facing potential federal firearms charges for mocking America and encouraging illegal activities, underscores the importance of upholding the law and holding individuals accountable for their actions. The swift response by federal authorities, including the ATF and ICE, demonstrates the commitment to addressing criminal behavior and ensuring that justice is served. The closure of Moreno’s TikTok account and his statements about continuing to make money online raise concerns about the exploitation of social media platforms for illegal activities. This case serves as a warning to other illegal aliens about the consequences of engaging in unlawful activities while in the United States.

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