Russia has reportedly trained its naval forces to strike NATO targets in Europe, including using nuclear-capable missiles, as part of preparations for a potential conflict with the alliance. Documents from between 2008 and 2014, viewed by the Financial Times, revealed a list of NATO targets across Europe for potential Russian missile strikes using either conventional warheads or tactical nuclear weapons. The Baltic and Northern Fleets were planned to target sites in Norway and Germany, including major naval bases. This information, believed to be for presentational purposes rather than operational use, was shared with Western sources.

These targeted strikes on NATO assets across Europe could put the alliance in danger immediately during a conflict with Russia, according to analysts. The mappings of potential targets were revealed by the Financial Times, which stated that the documents were seen as a tool to demonstrate Russia’s offensive capabilities. The threat of nuclear conflict has reemerged as a topic of debate following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres highlighted how the idea of nuclear conflict was once unthinkable but is now being discussed as a possibility. Russian officials and state media have alluded to the prospect of nuclear war, with some even suggesting nuclear strikes on countries supporting Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has not ruled out adapting Russia’s nuclear doctrine, which outlines the circumstances in which Moscow would use nuclear weapons. He criticized European nations supporting Ukraine as being “more or less defenseless” and warned smaller NATO countries of the consequences of backing Kyiv. Reports earlier this year indicated that Russia had practiced the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in potential conflicts with other major world powers. Russia’s navy was described as capable of launching sudden and pre-emptive strikes, including massive missile attacks and early-stage nuclear assaults.

Although Russia’s Black Sea fleet has faced significant losses during the conflict in Ukraine, its naval capabilities remain strong elsewhere. The country’s submarine fleet is considered particularly formidable, while its surface fleet has fallen behind. The aim of Russia’s aggressive stance and training exercises targeting NATO assets appears to be to instill fear of Russian nuclear weapons and gain Western acquiescence. Former NATO official William Alberque suggested that Russia wants the threat of nuclear weapon use to be a tool to manipulate Western powers into compliance. The potential for conflict and the use of nuclear weapons in Europe becomes a concerning possibility as tensions between Russia and NATO continue to escalate.

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