At the age of 13, the author fell in love with a boy who initially seemed kind and protective, but over time, the relationship turned into one characterized by insecurity, aggression, and jealousy. Realizing she was a victim of gender-based violence, the author struggled with feelings of injustice, anger, pain, and insecurity. The decision to report the abuse was difficult due to fear, guilt, and shame. It takes time to process and seek emotional support. Fear of not being believed or facing repercussions from the abuser or their circle is a significant obstacle. Each victim has their own recovery process, and the decision to report can be a crucial step. It is important to respect and support victims, regardless of when they choose to speak out.

After five days of reflection, Pedro Sánchez has decided to continue leading and has committed to bringing about change to end the political mudslinging that has become commonplace. The author questions whether it is possible to end the mudslinging while keeping certain figures in power, and if laughing at the opposition leader during an investiture debate or using divisive language is ethical. The author wonders if Sánchez is serious about leading a more ethical politics or if it is just a page from his Manual of Resistance.

The author laments the fact that fear and misinformation are used as electoral weapons, politics is becoming increasingly dirty, and ideological confrontations are promoted on social media. Meanwhile, prices rise, housing becomes a luxury, self-exploitation and productivity are prioritized, and the suicide rate is alarming. The author highlights the paradox of people rallying to show support for Pedro Sánchez while societal issues remain unaddressed, indicating that something is wrong with our priorities.

Reflecting on missed opportunities to connect with others and enrich our lives, the author emphasizes the importance of cherishing each moment and fostering meaningful relationships. The author encourages honoring the memory of those who have passed by strengthening connections with those still present. By valuing time and investing in meaningful interactions, we can make the most of the moments we have.

In conclusion, the texts submitted for publication in EL PAÍS must be concise, no more than 100 words in length, and include the author’s full name, city, phone number, and identification information. EL PAÍS reserves the right to publish, summarize, or excerpt the submissions. The author emphasizes the importance of sending submissions only to EL PAÍS and notes that no information will be provided regarding the publication process.

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