Ro Khanna and the panelists discuss the role of women in determining the outcome of the 2024 election. Khanna emphasizes the importance of women voters, noting that they were crucial to Joe Biden’s victory in 2020. He suggests that the Democratic party needs to choose a woman for the VP slot in 2024 to appeal to female voters. Additionally, Khanna criticizes Donald Trump’s shortlist for VP candidates, arguing that it shows his campaign is out of touch with the needs and priorities of women voters. The panelists agree that women will play a key role in deciding the next president and that Trump’s failure to cater to their interests could cost him the election.

Scott Jennings, Karen Finney, and Bryan Lanza join Dana Bash to analyze the current state of the 2024 election. Jennings acknowledges the importance of women voters but suggests that Trump’s base of support lies with working-class white men. He argues that Trump’s VP pick should appeal to this demographic rather than focusing solely on women voters. Finney counters this argument by highlighting the diversity of the Democratic party and the need to prioritize women in the VP selection process. Lanza adds that Trump needs to broaden his appeal beyond his core base of supporters to win in 2024.

Khanna and the panelists critique Trump’s approach to choosing a VP candidate, suggesting that his shortlist is not reflective of the electorate’s interests. They argue that Trump’s campaign is out of touch with the needs and priorities of women voters and that this could cost him the election. The panelists emphasize the importance of women in deciding the outcome of the 2024 election and stress the need for both parties to prioritize female voters in their VP selection process. They also discuss the potential impact of Trump’s VP choice on his chances of winning in 2024.

Jennings, Finney, and Lanza provide further analysis of the 2024 election, focusing on the strategies that Trump and the Democratic party should adopt to secure victory. Jennings emphasizes the importance of appealing to working-class white men, while Finney argues for prioritizing women voters in the VP selection process. Lanza suggests that Trump needs to broaden his appeal beyond his core base of supporters to win in 2024 and highlights the need for a VP candidate who can appeal to a diverse range of voters. The panelists debate the best approach for both parties to win over key demographics in the upcoming election.

Khanna and the panelists conclude that women will play a crucial role in deciding the outcome of the 2024 election and that Trump’s failure to appeal to female voters could cost him the presidency. They emphasize the need for both parties to prioritize women in their VP selection process and choose a candidate who can resonate with a diverse range of voters. The panelists also stress the importance of broadening appeal beyond core base supporters and adopting effective campaign strategies to secure victory in 2024. Overall, they provide insightful analysis and recommendations for both Trump and the Democratic party to consider in the upcoming election.

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