Rep. Pat Ryan spoke about the growing divide between the small percentage of Americans who serve in the military and the rest of the country, calling it a critical issue for democracy. He emphasized the need to bridge this gap and increase the number of people serving in the military. Ryan, a veteran himself, highlighted efforts within Congress to prioritize recruiting within the military branches, acknowledging the challenges they face in meeting recruitment numbers. He noted that these efforts are starting to show results, with recruitment numbers on the rise.

Rep. Ryan discussed the importance of participating in a bipartisan tradition of hand-washing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to honor Memorial Day. This initiative, started by Rep. Mike Waltz, aims to bring lawmakers from different backgrounds together to pay tribute to veterans. Waltz, a veteran and Republican from Florida, emphasized the significance of uniting lawmakers in showing respect for those who have served their country. Both Ryan and Waltz emphasized the need for increased representation of veterans in Congress, highlighting the unique perspective and experiences they bring to decision-making processes.

Both lawmakers advocated for expanding national service opportunities beyond just military service. Waltz suggested that service could involve activities such as working in national parks, tutoring in inner-city communities, or providing elderly care. He emphasized the importance of young people learning skills like leadership and discipline while serving a cause greater than themselves. Waltz proposed incentivizing service by offering benefits to individuals who engage in a year of service after graduation, encouraging a reevaluation of the concept of service in the country.

The discussion between Ryan and Waltz centered on the idea of promoting national service as a means of fostering a sense of unity and common purpose among Americans. They highlighted the value of bringing people together from diverse backgrounds to work towards a shared goal. By encouraging young people to engage in service activities that benefit their communities, they believe that individuals can develop important skills and experiences that contribute to personal growth and societal cohesion. They also stressed the importance of recognizing and honoring the sacrifices made by veterans who have served their country.

Overall, Ryan and Waltz emphasized the need for increased participation in national service and highlighted the benefits of service beyond just military involvement. They underscored the value of bringing diverse groups of people together to work towards common goals and bridge divides within society. By promoting a culture of service and recognizing the contributions of veterans, they believe that Americans can cultivate a stronger sense of unity and a shared commitment to serving their country. The bipartisan tradition of honoring veterans through actions like washing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial serves as a symbol of the unity that can be achieved through collective action and respect for those who have served.

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