Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia expressed strong opposition to Congress approving more military aid to Ukraine, believing it amounts to “paying for the slaughter and murder” of Ukrainian soldiers. She criticized those advocating for this aid on a podcast, calling it repulsive and disgusting. Greene voiced her hatred towards those pushing for the $60 billion funding request from President Biden and suggested the money would be better spent on U.S. border security. She also criticized House Speaker Mike Johnson for potentially facilitating the passage of the measure.

Greene accused U.S. politicians of pressuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to continue the fight against Russia, claiming that “amputees” and “injured soldiers” are being sent to the frontlines. She believes that America is forcing Ukraine to fight and providing financial support against their will. The congresswoman also questioned why the Biden administration is focused on funding a non-NATO nation like Ukraine and dismissed concerns about Putin’s desire to invade other European countries, insinuating that the U.S. does not truly care about its citizens.

The House has been stalled for nearly two months on approving a Senate-backed $95 billion national security package that includes funding for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region. Greene has threatened House Speaker Mike Johnson that if a vote on Ukraine aid takes place, she will introduce a motion to vacate, similar to one used by Rep. Matt Gaetz to remove former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The last aid package sent to Ukraine was in March, totaling $300 million worth of military equipment from existing U.S. stockpiles.

Greene’s position on providing military aid to Ukraine is that it is unnecessary and potentially harmful, arguing that it could lead to further violence and jeopardize the lives of soldiers on the frontlines. She believes that American taxpayers are funding a conflict that does not directly benefit the U.S., and that the money could be better allocated to domestic security concerns, such as border protection. Greene has been vocal in her opposition to House Speaker Johnson and the Biden administration’s handling of the situation, accusing them of prioritizing foreign interests over those of American citizens.

The congresswoman’s statements have stirred controversy, with some praising her for her outspokenness and others criticizing her for being insensitive to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Greene’s characterization of the situation as a misguided use of American taxpayer dollars has resonated with some constituents, while others have raised concerns about her dismissiveness towards the human cost of war. The debate over U.S. military aid to Ukraine continues to be a divisive issue within Congress and the American public, with competing perspectives on how best to address the conflict and safeguard national security interests.

Despite facing backlash for her comments, Greene remains steadfast in her opposition to funding military aid for Ukraine, arguing that it is not in the best interest of the U.S. and may lead to unintended consequences. She has called for a reevaluation of the priorities of the House leadership and a reallocation of resources towards more pressing domestic concerns. Greene’s confrontational style and willingness to challenge her own party’s leadership have made her a polarizing figure in Congress, but she continues to advocate for what she believes is in the best interest of her constituents and the American people.

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