Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old mother from Springfield, Illinois, was known to her 17-year-old son, Malachi, as a “superhero.” Described as a loving and devoted person, Massey spent her days praying, caring for her children, cooking, and spending time with family. She was deeply spiritual, outgoing, and an outspoken Christian who was always proud of her and her children’s accomplishments. Massey was fatally shot on July 6 at her home after calling police because she thought there was an intruder in the house. The incident, caught on a sheriff deputy’s body camera, raised questions about why it happened.

Massey’s uncle, Raymond, shared that she had ambitions centered around her children even after retiring from a local gaming company. She was always striving to provide the best for her children, making sure they were well taken care of and had everything they needed. Massey was captured on the police bodycam footage picking up a pot of water from the stove and joking with the officers before saying a religious phrase “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” This led to one of the officers, Deputy Sean Grayson, firing at her, resulting in her death. Grayson has been indicted on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm, and official misconduct.

Massey had been struggling with mental illness in the weeks leading up to her death. She had briefly checked herself into an inpatient treatment program and had called a mobile crisis line multiple times seeking help. Despite her struggles, her family described her as a talented individual, who was known for doing hair and cooking incredible dishes. In the wake of her death, Massey’s family and friends have held rallies and vigils to remember her life and protest against police violence. Her death has sparked a national conversation about the way law enforcement responds to incidents involving individuals with mental health issues.

Members of the community, including a Sangamon County Board member, Marc Ayers, believe that law enforcement failed Massey, especially in handling situations involving mental health crises. Massey’s family and friends continue to grieve her loss and seek justice for her death. Her family described her as a loving and caring person who should still be alive today. Her mother, Donna, and her children are struggling to cope with the loss, with her daughter, Summer, missing her dearly. Massey’s family and friends have held gatherings to grieve together and support each other during this difficult time.

In the midst of protests and renewed discussions about police violence, Sonya Massey’s family, friends, and community remember her as a kind-hearted and loving person. Her dedication to her faith, family, and children was unwavering, and she touched many lives with her love and joy. As they continue to seek justice for her death, they hope to keep her memory alive and honor the legacy of the woman they knew as a superhero.

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