In a recent article for Forbes Business Council, Eric Miquelon, President of Avanade North America, reflects on the evolution of virtual assistants, recounting his first encounter with the infamous Clippy in the late ’90s. Fast forward to 2024, and Miquelon is test-driving a new virtual assistant powered by generative AI. Skeptical at first, Miquelon finds that the virtual assistant streamlines his workflow, freeing up time and energy for more creative endeavors.

Miquelon emphasizes the importance of redefining our relationship with time and exploring how virtual assistants can help business leaders reclaim their day. By scanning and summarizing emails, synthesizing information, and enabling faster decision-making, virtual assistants can enhance efficiency and productivity in the workplace. Miquelon encourages fellow business leaders to experiment with virtual assistants to see how it impacts their work and opens up opportunities for more focused work and higher-level activities.

With the potential to save up to two hours a day, virtual assistants can empower employees to invest more time and energy into the creative, human aspects of their work. Miquelon envisions a future where virtual assistants are implemented at scale, transforming the workforce’s ability to accomplish tasks and make room for more meaningful work each day. By leveraging the capabilities of virtual assistants, businesses can enhance productivity, decision-making, and overall job satisfaction for employees.

As President of Avanade North America, Miquelon’s experience with virtual assistants offers valuable insights for business leaders looking to optimize their workflows and leverage AI technologies to enhance efficiency. By embracing virtual assistants as a tool for innovation and productivity, companies can unlock new possibilities for growth and collaboration in the workplace. With the support of virtual assistants, business leaders can focus on strategic priorities and creative endeavors that drive success and elevate the human elements of their work.

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