Hulu is set to release a new anime series called Suicide Squad Isekai, which features the popular DC supervillains in a new adventure in another world filled with magic, dragons, and orcs. Directed by Eri Osada, the series will follow characters like Harley Quinn, Peacemaker, Deadshot, King Shark, and Clayface as they try to complete a mission with ticking bombs attached to their necks. The show will also feature appearances from other villains like Joker, Rat Catcher, Enchantress, The Thinker, and Killer Croc. The 10-episode series will debut on Thursday, June 27 on Max and Hulu in the US.

Max and Hulu will be streaming Suicide Squad Isekai in the US, with new episodes airing each week on Thursdays until the season 1 finale in August. Max is home to a variety of DC content, including originals, films, and animated releases, as well as titles from HBO, Discovery, TLC, and more. Subscriptions to Max start at $10 per month with ads, $17 per month without ads, or $21 per month for the 4K ad-free version. Hulu, on the other hand, offers subscriptions starting at $8 per month with ads, or $18 per month without ads. Additionally, a Hulu with Live TV option is available for $77 per month, which includes access to over 90 channels, Disney Plus, on-demand Hulu content, and ESPN Plus.

For those who have standalone subscriptions to both Disney Plus and Hulu, or are Disney bundle customers, Hulu content can be accessed within the Disney Plus app. Disney Bundles also offer various subscription options, such as Hulu and Disney Plus with ads for $10 a month, Hulu and Disney Plus without ads for $20 a month, Hulu, Disney Plus, and ESPN Plus with ads for $15 a month, or Hulu and Disney Plus without ads and ESPN Plus with ads for $25 a month. Suicide Squad Isekai is set to be an exciting addition to the streaming platform’s lineup, offering fans a unique take on the iconic DC characters in an anime setting.

The series will explore the dynamics between the supervillains as they navigate the challenges of the new world they find themselves in, with Amanda Waller overseeing their mission. As they face off against magical creatures and enemies, viewers can expect action-packed sequences, engaging storytelling, and the signature humor and charisma of the Suicide Squad characters. The involvement of acclaimed artists like Tomoyasu Hotei and Mori Calliope in the music for the show indicates a high level of production quality and attention to detail.

Fans of the Suicide Squad franchise, as well as anime enthusiasts, can look forward to the release of Suicide Squad Isekai on Hulu and Max. With its unique blend of genres, compelling characters, and exciting plotlines, the series promises to offer a fresh perspective on the beloved DC supervillains. As the characters navigate the challenges of the new world they find themselves in, viewers can expect a thrilling and entertaining ride filled with action, humor, and unexpected twists. Be sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, June 27, when the first episode of Suicide Squad Isekai premieres on Hulu, kicking off a season of adventure and excitement.

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