Bluey, the popular preschool show from Australia, is returning with two new standalone episodes featuring the Heeler family. The first episode, titled Ghostbasket, will bring back classic characters Janet and Rita, the granny alter egos of Bluey and Bingo. Following Ghostbasket, the show’s longest episode, The Sign, will be released a week later, focusing on the Heeler family preparing for a significant event. Both episodes will premiere in Australia on ABC Kids and ABC iview before becoming available on Disney Plus in the US, Canada, and the UK.
Viewers in Australia can watch the new Bluey episodes for free on ABC Kids and ABC iview, which are accessible on a variety of devices without the need for a cable login. Simply create an account with basic details to start streaming the episodes immediately. For viewers in the US, UK, and Canada, the new episodes will be available on Disney Plus, with Ghostbasket releasing on April 7th and The Sign on April 14th. Disney Plus offers ad-free and bundled subscription options, allowing users to access multiple streaming platforms at a discounted rate.
To watch Bluey episodes from anywhere in the world, a VPN can be used to virtually change your location and access the series. VPNs not only provide access to region-restricted content but also encrypt your traffic to prevent speed throttling by ISPs. ExpressVPN is recommended as a reliable and safe VPN option that works on various devices. By following the VPN provider’s installation instructions and selecting a country where Bluey is available on Disney Plus, viewers can easily stream the episodes from any location.
Using a VPN for streaming is legal in countries where VPNs are allowed, like the US and Canada, as long as viewers have a valid subscription to the streaming service. It is important to use VPNs for legal streaming purposes and avoid illegal torrent sites. If encountering any issues with streaming, ensure that the VPN is connected, follow installation instructions correctly, and reboot the device if necessary. Some streaming services may have restrictions on VPN access, so troubleshooting steps may be required in such cases.
Overall, fans of Bluey can look forward to the release of two new episodes, Ghostbasket and The Sign, which will provide more entertainment from the lovable Heeler family. Whether viewers are in Australia or abroad, accessing these episodes is possible through platforms like ABC iview and Disney Plus, with the use of a VPN for international viewers. With engaging storylines and beloved characters, Bluey continues to capture the hearts of audiences of all ages around the world.