Want your home to have that fresh, clean smell? Start with a little scrubbing and extra washing. Once your house is sparkling clean, consider using homemade candles with your favorite aromas to give your home a little extra fresh scent. You can also fill a pot with water and seasonal fruits and spices like lemons and oranges for a delightful smell throughout your home. Keep reading to discover expert tips on making your bathroom sparkle and learn about areas in your home that need regular cleaning to maintain a fresh scent, including garbage and garbage disposal, carpets and furniture, refrigerator, countertops, and bedding.

Taking out your garbage regularly and scrubbing down the garbage bin every month will help eliminate stench. Cleaning your garbage disposal is easy with baking soda and vinegar, and for a fresh scent, run a cut lemon through the disposal. Additionally, avoiding dishes piling up in the sink can prevent smelly build-up. Carpets and furniture can also harbor odors from spills, dirt, and grime. Sprinkling baking soda with essential oils on carpets and furniture can help eliminate odors, which can then be vacuumed up after sitting for some time.

Refrigerators can quickly become smelly if not cleaned regularly. Keep your fridge organized and divide it into sections to prevent items from expiring before being used. Regular cleaning of the fridge every few months is recommended, removing all food items and letting drawers soak in warm, soapy water. For pesky stains, use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Countertops should be wiped down regularly after use to remove accumulated dust, crumbs, and fingerprints. A quick cleaning with soap and water followed by a candle placed on the countertop can add a nice fragrance to the house.

Bedding should be washed every couple of weeks to remove any stinky scents from built-up grease and product residue. It’s also important to replace bed items that no longer look clean. Washing bedding frequently not only maintains a sanitary environment but also keeps your room smelling fresh. By following these expert tips on cleaning and maintaining various areas in your home, you can enjoy a fresh, clean scent throughout your living space. For more lifestyle articles, visit foxnews.com/lifestyle.

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