Troy Miller, president and CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), draws inspiration from 2 Corinthians 4:13, which speaks to the multi-generational legacy of Christian communicators who spread the gospel. The NRB, with over 1,100 member organizations, aims to reach millions with the message of Jesus Christ. For Christians in the media, the mission is not just about engaging audiences but participating in God’s work of extending grace for His glory. Despite the challenges and complexities, Miller urges believers to remain steadfast in their faith and work.

In a world filled with tension and pain, it can be tempting to avoid uncomfortable truths, but Christians are called to stand firm in their beliefs. Miller emphasizes that unity in faith is a foundation laid by God, not something manufactured by humans. Christians are encouraged to stand together on the solid rock of Jesus Christ, regardless of the storms they face. The message of unity should empower believers to boldly proclaim the whole counsel of God, trusting in His promise of eternal glory.

Miller reminds Christians that earthly possessions such as reputation, job opportunities, or positions of power can be destroyed, but the eternal glory promised by God is unshakeable. Our greatest challenges on earth can be transformed for good in the hands of our Heavenly Father, preparing us for His full presence. Christians in the media are called to be humble, recognizing the smallness of their efforts compared to God’s eternal plans. At the core of their mission is the belief in God’s promise, the vocalization of their faith, and the passing down of the heritage of faith to future generations.

As Christians navigate the complexities and difficulties of life, they are reminded to trust in God’s eternal promises. St. Paul’s reminder that believers have a building from God, not made with hands but eternal in the heavens, underscores the importance of focusing on eternal truths rather than temporary earthly concerns. The challenges and trials faced on earth can be transformed for good, renewing believers’ inner selves and aligning them with God’s purpose. Christians in the media are encouraged to stay steadfast in their faith, believing in the eternal plans and purposes of God.

The message of faith and unity is central to the work of Christians in the media. Christians are called to believe, speak, and pass down the heritage of faith to future generations. The mission of spreading the gospel and extending God’s grace to all is a challenging but rewarding task. By standing firm on the foundation of Jesus Christ and trusting in God’s eternal promises, believers can navigate the complexities of life with courage and humility. The legacy of Christian communicators serves as an inspiration for those working in the media, reminding them of the importance of faith, unity, and humility in their mission.

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