Former President Jimmy Carter, known for his humble roots in Plains, Georgia, surprised many by becoming a global figure after leaving the White House in 1981. His U.S. Secret Service detail, led by agents like Alex Parker, traveled with him to over 140 countries, including on dangerous assignments like a trip to North Korea where they were welcomed surprisingly well. Carter, known for his peacekeeping efforts, often flouted intelligence warnings and drove his protective bubble into war zones and humanitarian crises.

One of Carter’s most significant missions was to Haiti in 1994, where he was tasked with averting a full-scale U.S. invasion. The Secret Service team, including agent Bill Bush, was challenged with protecting Carter during this delicate assignment. Carter’s commitment to peace led him to defy warnings and meet with leaders, like Hamas in Gaza, in an effort to bring about peace in the Middle East. Despite threats, Carter remained determined to continue his peace-building efforts.

The Secret Service detail that protected the former president also had the privilege of witnessing his personal life, including moments with his wife, Rosalynn Carter. The agents described Mrs. Carter as gentle and kind, always making them feel welcomed. The couple’s enduring affection was evident, with agents often witnessing them holding hands or going on joy rides together. Even as they aged, the Carters remained active and engaged in various hobbies, like fly fishing and skiing, always under the watchful eye of their dedicated agents.

As Carter aged, his Secret Service team continued to plan for medical emergencies, knowing that the former president remained active even in his nineties. Despite his age, Carter maintained his desire to keep busy and engage in various activities, including fishing trips and Habitat for Humanity builds. The agents, who had spent years protecting the former president, were deeply touched by his commitment to peace and his unwavering dedication to making the world a better place through his faith and humanitarian work.

Carter’s devotion to his faith was evident in his regular attendance at church and his commitment to teaching Sunday school. Despite his declining health, Carter continued to attend services, often reflecting on his life’s work and questioning whether he had done enough to make a difference. The agents who had served him for decades were deeply moved by his humility and conviction to continue striving for a better world. Overall, Carter will be remembered as a humanitarian who dedicated his life to helping others, with his Secret Service detail playing a crucial role in ensuring his safety and enabling him to carry out his mission.

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