The opening of the territorial renewal melon of the PSOE has already seen the first signs of leadership from socialist federations, even before the formal call for the Federal Congress. Luis Tudanca, the general secretary in Castilla y León since 2014, has not yet confirmed if he will run for re-election, although the party’s regional leadership is confident that if there are primaries and he decides to run, he will win by a wide margin. Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo, has not ruled out joining the race to lead the federation she belongs to and has stated that she is “at the disposal” of the PSOE of Castilla y León after her appearance at the Committee on Equality of the Congress of Deputies on Thursday.

Redondo, originally from Valladolid, where she was the number two of the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, during his time as mayor of Valladolid, has stated that “it is still early” to talk about her possible leap to lead the PSOE of Castilla y León but, by not ruling out joining the race, she has immediately sparked interest in her hypothetical candidacy. The minister has also praised the upcoming 41st Federal Congress of the PSOE in Seville on November 29, 30 and December 1, stating that it will be a “shot in the arm” for the party. “We are excited and we will work to make it a good conference that reconnects and endorses socialist proposals,” she added.

Tudanca is one of the PSOE’s territorial leaders who has publicly rejected a unique financing system for Catalonia that could harm Castilla y León. Despite the explanations provided by the government, particularly by First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, Tudanca emphasized his confidence that a new fiscal model “will address all the singularities and provide more funds”, during an event at the socialist headquarters in Burgos. However, concerns persist that the pact could result in “privileges” for Catalonia at the expense of other regions within the common regime, which includes all regions except for the Basque Country and Navarra.

At the Congress, Redondo criticized the Popular Party’s constitutional challenge to the Amnesty Law, labeling them as “destructive opposition” who “follow the path of populism”. She believes that this move by the PP goes against a solution “rooted in solidarity and fraternity to end the problems in Catalonia”. Redondo also pointed out that the PP has challenged other laws “related to equality”, such as the Abortion Law or the Same-Sex Marriage Law, and called for a “constructive” behavior from the opposition party. During her appearance in the Congress of Deputies, Redondo also addressed concerns regarding the Parity Law, suggesting that there is misinformation and alarmism surrounding the law.

Redondo also announced a pilot project that will incorporate artificial intelligence into the VioGén system and other measures, such as including women’s soccer matches in betting pools. The focus remains on what is happening closest to home, and for those who do not want to miss anything, they are encouraged to subscribe in order to stay updated on the latest developments.

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