Rooster Teeth, the parent company of the popular animated series Red vs. Blue, is shutting down due to ongoing financial struggles. Despite this, the 19th and final season of Red vs. Blue, titled Restoration, will be released as a feature-length movie for sale online on May 7, with digital rentals available two weeks later. The series, which has been a cornerstone of Rooster Teeth’s legacy, has been beloved by fans for its snarky humor and gamer-inspired content.
Created nearly 21 years ago, Red vs. Blue follows the adventures of two groups of sci-fi soldiers from the Halo franchise as they endlessly battle each other in Blood Gulch. The new movie is written by Rooster Teeth co-founder Burnie Burns and directed by another co-founder, Matt Hullum. The release of the movie is being described as “the final chapter” in the long-running series, marking the end of an era for Rooster Teeth and its fans.
Despite the closure of Rooster Teeth, there is still a possibility that Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment will find buyers for the rights to continue producing Red vs. Blue and other popular Rooster Teeth shows like RWBY and gen:LOCK. The movie release is seen as a way to conclude the incredible journey that Rooster Teeth has had over the past two decades, with Burns expressing excitement to share the final chapter with longtime fans.
Rooster Teeth was acquired in 2014 by online-video company Fullscreen, which later became part of Otter Media and then part of Warner Bros. Discovery. Despite efforts to sell the company, Rooster Teeth’s prospects never brightened, ultimately leading to its closure. The legacy of Rooster Teeth and Red vs. Blue have been instrumental in building a strong fan connection and launching events like RTX, an annual conference for all RT brands and programs.
The departure of Rooster Teeth marks the end of an era for the pioneering online video and fan site, as the company struggled with $40 billion in debt and ongoing financial challenges. The final season of Red vs. Blue will be a bittersweet moment for fans who have followed the series for decades, as they say goodbye to a beloved show that has been a cornerstone of the Rooster Teeth legacy. Despite the closure, the impact of Rooster Teeth and Red vs. Blue will continue to resonate with fans for years to come.