The German Luftwaffe intercepted a Russian military aircraft over the Baltic Sea, according to their own statements. Eurofighter combat aircraft took off from the Latvian base of Lielvarde on Saturday to intercept a reconnaissance aircraft of the IL-20 type, the Luftwaffe announced on the online service X. The aircraft was reportedly flying without a transponder signal. Germany is participating in NATO’s airspace surveillance over the Baltic States, which do not have their own combat aircraft. There have been several incidents in the past with Russian military aircraft in the Baltic Sea region.

This incident is not the first of its kind. In January, the Luftwaffe observed a Russian military aircraft without a transponder signal in international airspace off the coast of Rügen. Eurofighters were scrambled to accompany the aircraft until it turned back to the east. Germany’s involvement in NATO’s airspace surveillance over the Baltic States is in response to the lack of their own combat aircraft. The interception of Russian military aircraft has been a recurring issue in the region. The Eurofighters were launched from the Latvian base of Lielvarde to intercept the IL-20 reconnaissance plane, which was apparently flying without a transponder signal.

The Russian military aircraft was intercepted over the Baltic Sea, where Germany participates in NATO’s airspace surveillance over the Baltic States. The lack of combat aircraft in the Baltic States has led to Germany’s involvement in the region. This interception is part of a series of incidents involving Russian military aircraft in the Baltic Sea area. The Eurofighters were launched from the Latvian base of Lielvarde to intercept the IL-20 reconnaissance aircraft, which was flying without a transponder signal. In a previous incident in January, a Russian military aircraft without a transponder signal was observed off the coast of Rügen.

The German Luftwaffe, as part of NATO’s airspace surveillance over the Baltic States, intercepted a Russian military aircraft flying without a transponder signal over the Baltic Sea. Germany’s participation in the surveillance is in response to the Baltic States not having their own combat aircraft. This interception is not the first of its kind, as there have been previous incidents with Russian military aircraft in the region. In January, a similar incident occurred off the coast of Rügen, where Eurofighters were launched to accompany the Russian aircraft until it turned back east. The Eurofighters were launched from the Latvian base of Lielvarde in response to the IL-20 reconnaissance aircraft flying without a transponder signal.

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