New Yorkers are experiencing a shock as the price of coffee in the city continues to rise due to inflation, forcing many coffee shops to increase their prices. Despite this trend, some coffee shops are pushing back by offering coffee for as low as $2.50, which is less than half the average price for a good cup of coffee in New York City. Casa Salvo, an espresso bar located on the Upper West Side, is part of this movement, offering every drink on the menu for $2.50, including a cappuccino with pistachio cream.

Salvo Lo Castro, the creator of Casa Salvo, believes that good coffee should be accessible to everyone, regardless of income level. He has been in the coffee business for 30 years and has a partnership with a coffee supplier in Rome, allowing him to procure quality beans at an affordable price. Lo Castro was inspired to create Casa Salvo after moving to the US and missing the coffee culture in Italy, where espresso is inexpensive and meant to be consumed quickly without lingering.

Casa Salvo’s business model focuses on volume to keep prices low and attract customers. The coffee shop does not have indoor seating, only six tables outside, seating 12. Despite the limited seating, Casa Salvo has already garnered a strong following since opening in May and serves 7,500 coffees. In addition to coffee, the shop also offers affordable Italian specialty products like pasta, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and more. Instead of standard pastries, Casa Salvo serves Italian pastry like cannoli and bombolini.

Rising coffee prices in the city are attributed to factors such as rent hikes, increasing labor costs, and poor weather conditions affecting coffee crops in coffee-producing countries like Vietnam. The price of coffee in New York City can now be as high as $6 to $7 after add-ins, tax, and tip are factored in. However, Casa Salvo’s low prices and quality products are attracting customers looking for an affordable, yet delicious, cup of coffee. Reviews on Yelp praise Casa Salvo’s espresso as “nothing short of perfection — rich, smooth, and aromatic.”

Lo Castro plans to continue offering coffee at the same price, even as he expands his business with a second branch near Columbus Circle. Casa Salvo’s success in offering high-quality coffee at lower prices follows in the footsteps of other coffee shops like Matto Espresso, which offers $2.50 coffee, and Porto Rico Importing Co., known for its affordable cafe au lait. Lo Castro’s commitment to keeping prices steady indicates that his business model of providing quality coffee at an affordable price may be sustainable for the long term.

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